Is there a hotel that costs under 50 dollars a night?是否有每晚花费在50美元以下的饭店?
Is there a post box nearby? 请问附近有没有邮政局?
Where can I change money?我要在哪里换钱?
I have 800 dollars.大约800元。
I’d like to check out.我要退房。
Sorry, this flight is full.抱歉,这班飞机已客满。
Is there a chemist”s nearby? 请问附近有没有药剂师?
Could you recommend a hotel in center city?是否可建议一家位于市中心的旅馆?
These are for personal use这些是我私人使用的东西。
Is there a public toilet nearby? 请问附近有没有公共厕所?
How do I get to the airport? 请问如何前往机场?
The day after tomorrow, Friday.后天,星期五。
How do I get to the post office? 请问如何前往邮政局?
Hi, a table for two, please.你好,我们有2位。
How do I get to the subway station? 请问如何前往地下铁路站?(Subway乃北美洲常用字)
Is there a restaurant nearby? 请问附近有没有餐厅?
No, I don’t.没有。
Anyway, we have seats for new bookings on this flight. No problem.别担心,这班班机仍有空位提供新的订位者。
Two hours before departure time.起飞前2小时。
May I have your name again?请再告诉我一次您的大名?