
傻瓜、我们之间的誓言,一辈子爱你。Fool, the oath between us, love you for life.

当眼泪流下来,才知道,分开也是另一种明白。When the tears flow down, just know, separate is another kind of understand.

一段轰轰烈烈的爱情,一定要懂得细水长流。A love with vigour and vitality, we must know how long.

因为懂得,所以慈悲。Because understand, so mercy.

爱情使人忘记时间,时间也使人忘记爱情。Love makes people forget time, time also makes people forget love.

为什么伤口那么痛,还要拿来挡锐利的伤悲。Why so painful wounds, but also used to block sharp pain.

寂莫的时侯想想我,想我的时侯不寂莫!Think of me, think of me when I am lonely!

人生,总会有不期而遇的温暖和生生不息的希望。In life, there is always the warmth and hope of life and growth in nature accidentaly across.

人生最幸福的事情,就是有个爱捣蛋的媳妇。The happiest thing in life is to have a wife who loves to act.

多想有一个人,就算把命丢了,也不会把我丢了。Want to have a person, even if the loss of life, I will not lose.


��越粘着他,他越不把��当回事。The more you cling to him, the less he takes you seriously.

不管多累多困,都会想要和你聊天。No matter how tired and sleepy, will want to chat with you.

如无法笑着遗忘,请允许自己哭着怀念。If you can’t smile and forget, please allow yourself to cry.

就算拥有向日葵的执着、还是抵不过宿命的安排。Even if the persistence of sunflower, but still arrived at the fate of the arrangements.

我,曾视你为全部,如今的我们却早已陌路。I have seen you, for all, now we are already stranger.

人生总有些人,忘不了,戒不掉。There are always some people in life, can not forget, can not quit.

有时候你的一个微笑,竟然颠覆了我整个世界。Sometimes a smile from you makes me whole.

时间的河入海流,终于我们分头走。The time of the river into the sea, finally we separately.

除了喜欢,懂与陪伴更重要。In addition to love, understanding and companionship is more important.

我们的爱像唱一半的歌、断断续续。Our love is like singing half the song, off and on.
