一想到远处低沉的嗡嗡声,我就发抖,因为这是毁灭的信号。I tremble at the thought of a distant hum, for it is a signal of destruction.
希望停战,希望和平。Hope truce, hope peace.
我现在心乱如麻,一片迷茫。I am now a confused The mind is very confused..
我想活下去,即使在我死后!所以我感谢上天给了我这样的天赋,这种可以发展我自己,可以写作,可以表达一切潜藏于我内心深处的东西的可能性。I want to live, even after I die! So I thank God for giving me such a gift, the possibility that I can develop myself, write, and express what is hidden in my heart.
我尽情享受生活,有意无意中想尽办法用各种乐趣填补内心的空虚。I enjoy the life in the way, naturally or half unconsciously to fill the emptiness inside with a variety of fun.
我谴责自己有时候可以达到这样的程度,那就是特别渴望别人哪怕一句安慰话,渴望有人能给我可信的忠告,还能对那个真实的我作出有益的分析和评价。可是天哪,我一直在寻找,但至今还没有找到那个人。I blame myself sometimes can reach this level, it is particularly eager to others even a words of comfort, for someone can give me a credible advice, but also make the analysis and evaluation of benefit to the real me. But God, I’ve been looking for it, but I haven’t found it yet.
通过这事,我明白了:只有在争吵后,才能真正看清一个人。这时候,才能清楚他们的真实性格。Through this, I understand: only after the quarrel, to really see a person. Only then can they know their true character.
假如某件事情就是想让我笑,我难道就非要立刻忍住并为自己的快活而感到羞耻吗?难道我就该整天哭丧着脸吗?不,我不能那么做。再说了,也总会有愁苦消散的时候的。If something is going to make me laugh, do I have to hold back and be ashamed of my own happiness? I don’t have all day long face? No, I can’t do it. Besides, there are always when sorrow dissipate.
打起精神,振作起来,事情一定会好转。Cheer up, cheer up, things will get better.
为什么有些人一定要饿死,而在世界的其他地方却有吃不掉的东西搁在那儿烂掉?噢,为什么人们如此疯狂?Why do some people have to starve to death, and in other parts of the world but can not afford to eat the stuff in there to rot? Oh, why are people so crazy?
那就是成长岁月中的艰难:我们在内心深处油然升起种种理想、美梦和希望,到头来好像只是为了让它们破灭,让它们迎接可怕的真实。That is the growth in the years of the difficult: we in the heart was rising, all sorts of ideal dreams and hope, in the end only seemed to make them burst, let them meet the terrible truth.
工作,友爱,勇气和希望支撑着我,助我向善。Work, love, courage and hope to support me, help me to.
我还发觉,在我快乐、肤浅的表面之下,隐藏着幸福。I also found that, in my happy, superficial surface, hidden happiness.
走出去,走进乡间田园,享受自然美景、阳光;走出去,试着重新寻找幸福。想想你内心的美、周围蕴藏的美,高兴起来吧。Go out, into the countryside, enjoy the natural beauty of the sun, go out and try to find happiness. Think of the beauty within you and the beauty that lies around you.
还是想想那条金法则吧:笑对一切,莫为他人自寻烦恼!这听起来有点自私,但对于任何想要寻求内心宽慰的人来说实在是唯一的解药。Think of the golden rule: smile to everything, don’t bother others! This sounds a bit selfish, but for anyone seeking inner relief to the people who really is the only antidote.
不管大人们犯了多少错,也不管他们如何天马行空、凭空杜撰,像安妮这样的孩子是绝不能纠正大人的错误的。No matter how many people make a big mistake, no matter how they are a powerful and unconstrained style, fiction, children like Anne is not correct an error.
那是我的头脑被情绪左右,只能从自己的角度看待一切,却没能心平气和地想过他人――那些被反复无常的我冒犯或伤害的人――说了些什么,只会自以为是。Is that my mind is the mood around, only from their own perspective on everything, but didn’t thought about others who are in a calm mood, I play fast and loose to offend or hurt people, what has been said, will only be opinionated.
走自己的路,看看会走向哪里,别无选择。Go your own way, and see where you’re going.
我向她发誓,不管什么事,我都会坚持到底,不流眼泪,找到自己的路。I swear to her, no matter what, I will stick to the end, no tears, find their way.
只要你能无谓地看着天空,你就会知道,自己的内心一片纯净,幸福也会再次到来。As long as you can look at the sky senseless, you will know that their hearts a pure, happiness will come again.