
在不眠之夜,这简直就是对那个美好的黄昏缴纳的附加税。In the sleepless night, additional tax this is simply for that wonderful evening pay.

世界上总有一半人不理解另一半人的快乐。Half of the world’s people don’t understand the joy of the other half.

爱玛.伍德豪斯清秀、聪明、富裕,家庭舒适,性情快乐,似乎同时有了生活上的几种最大幸福,已经无忧无虑地在世上过了差不多二十一个年头了。Emma. Wood Moorhouse handsome, intelligent, rich, comfortable home and happy disposition, at the same time it seems that there are several biggest happiness in the world, has light of heart from care after almost twenty-one years.


我不会变成贫穷的老处女,只有贫穷才会使独身者受的公众的蔑视!一个独身女人如果收入微薄一定非常可笑,准会惹人讨厌,老处女!正好是少男少女的笑柄;不过一个富有的独身女人从来都受人尊敬,可以像任何人一样有理性,一样愉快。I will not become a poor old maid, only the poor will make the public contempt for the single! If the income of a single woman must be very funny, it will make people hate, the old maid! Is the sport of boys and girls; but a rich single woman never respected, like anyone can have a rational, just as happy.

也许,正因为我们彼此的不完美,才让我们成为彼此的完美伴侣。Perhaps it is because we are not perfect, and let us become each other’s perfect partner.

但是,毋庸讳言,婚礼中朋友们真诚的祝福和希望却是千真万确的,尽管还有些美中不足。However, needless to say, the wedding of friends sincere greetings and hope is as sure as a gun, although some still in want of perfection.
