人们喜欢猎奇,这就是科学的种子。People love adventure, this is the seed of science.
在科学里,嘲笑腐儒,也就类似宗教里的嘲笑迷信。At pedants in science, also similar to religion at superstition.
健康是人生第一财富。Health is the first wealth in life.
即使断了一条弦,其余的三条弦还是要继续演奏,这就是人生。Even if there is a broken string, the rest of the three strings still want to continue to play, this is the life.
坚守简单而高贵的生命,顺从你的心灵,你将可以重新创造出一个全新的精神世界。Adhere to a simple and noble life, obey your heart, you will be able to re create a new spirit of the world.
在坟墓的周围,智慧的人看到的不是人的死亡,而是生命的延续和灵魂的重生。In the tomb, the wise man sees not the death of a man, but the continuation of life and the rebirth of the soul.
人人都不时地受益于自己的罪薛,就像植物都以粪便为肥料一样。Every now and then, every man and every man, from time to time, is to benefit from his own sin, as the plants do with manure.
太生活化了也就没有艺术了。Too much to live without art.
只有智者视人生如节目。Only wise men see life as a sho
我们将更高的天赋运用于日常活动的时候,沮丧和不快就会让位给了自然而惬意的活动。When we apply our higher talents to our daily activities, we will give way to a natural and comfortable activity.
羡慕就是无知,模仿就是自杀。Envy is ignorance, imitation is suicide.
喂,你可曾听说才思也许能在青春年少时获得,智慧也许会在腐朽前成熟。Hey, have you ever heard a may get in my youth, wisdom may mature in decay before.
上帝为每个人灵魂提供了选择机会:或是拥有真理,或是得到安宁。你可以任选其一,但不能兼而有之。God offers a choice for every soul: a truth, or a peace. You can choose one of them, but not both.
保持清醒的头脑,拥有良好的价值观,培养正确的感知力和判断力,丢掉那些不良的习惯,这才是我们奋斗的目标。Keep a clear mind, have a good sense of values, training the right perception and judgment, to lose those bad habits, which is the goal of our struggle.
人是很容易上当的,荣誉就是证明。People are very easy to be fooled, honor is to prove.
怎样思想,就有怎样的生活。How to think, what kind of life.
生命对于友谊而言显得是那么的短暂。Life is too short for friendship.
书籍用得好的时候是最好的东西;滥用的时候,是最坏的东西之一。Books are the best of everything; they are the worst of it, and the worst of it.
眼神里的语言世界任何地方的人都能理解。The language in the eyes of the world can be understood anywhere in the world.
友谊是人生的调味品,也是人生的止痛药。Friendship is the spice of life, but also the pain of life.