

他们不能打倒我。唯一的方法就是干掉我!所有不能干掉我的就只会令我更加坚强。They can’t beat me. The only way is to kill me! All can not kill me will only make me stronger.

我仍然热爱比赛,而且我也渴望出场。我强烈地感觉到自己仍然可以在高水平的比赛中竞争。I still love the game, and I also want to play. I feel strongly that I can still compete at a high level of competition.

用心打球。你做到了每个人要求你做到的事。不管你是输赢,你应该为自己感到骄傲。Play with heart. You did what everyone was asking you to do. Whether you are winning or losing, you should be proud of yourself.

只有我才是自己的终结者。I’m the terminator.

假如没有他们的帮助,也就没有今天的艾弗森,他们是我最信任的人。Without their help, there would be no today’s Iverson, they are my most trusted people.

我根本不是一个会憎恨妒忌的人。你有才能,那我就喜爱你。I am not a man who would hate to be jealous. You got talent, I love you.

他们不可能打倒我,除非杀了我,而任何不能杀了我的就只会令我更坚强!They can’t beat me, unless I kill me, and anything that doesn’t kill me makes me stronger!

你可以不爱我,但你至少要怕我。You can not love me, but you have to be afraid of me at least.

一切,和生命一样重要。我也说不清楚,只要在场上,我就会进入一种战斗状态。我希望每一场球都能获胜,我想做的只有赢球。Everything is as important as life. I can’t say it clearly, as long as I’m on the pitch, I’ll be in a state of combat. I want to win every game and all I want to do is win.

我不知道一个真正的组织后卫的定义是什么,我只是想做一切能给我们带来胜利的事,哪怕别人说我自私。I don’t know what a real point guard is, I just want to do everything we can to win, even if people say I’m selfish.


如果要我打替补,我宁愿选择退役。If you want me to come on the bench, I’d rather choose to retire.

我想告诉大家的是,我的妈妈及我的朋友,他们都是很朴实的人,他们不会做伤害到别人的事。I would like to tell you, my mother and my friends, they are very simple people, they will not do harm to other people’s things.

我的身高让教练只考虑让我打组织后卫,但我相信我的天分,我能得分,我能在任何人面前得分。My height lets the coach only consider me to play the guard, but I believe my talent, I can score, I can score in front of anyone.

只有我才能让自己停下来。Only I can stop myself.

我不知道成功的人是怎样的,但我知道要想成功就必须,自私。I don’t know how successful people are, but I know that if you want to succeed, you have to be selfish.

我才他妈不管全明星是否就是一个搔首弄姿的秀场,但踏上任何比赛的地板之前,我,艾弗森只有一个目的,那就是取胜,这世界上没有什么比在失败中度过一个夜晚更糟糕的了。I’m fucking All-Star regardless of whether it was a giggle and flirt show, before, but on any game I floor, Iverson only one purpose, that is to win, this world is not what is in the failure to spend a night in the worse.

生活就是生活,你会遇到很多事情。曾经我总是紧皱着眉头想改变一切,不过现在我更愿意微笑,或许多一点调侃。你也许会清楚生活的味道。Life is a life, you’ll meet a lot of things. Once I always frown to change everything, but now I prefer to smile, perhaps a little more fun. You may know the taste of life.

我们总是在谈论训练、训练、训练,而却从不谈及任何有关比赛的事情,我的意思是:这是个多么愚蠢的做法啊!We always talk about training, training, and training, but never talk about anything about the game. I mean, what a stupid thing to do!

我将每一场比赛都视为自己职业生涯的最后一场比赛。I see every game as the last game of my career.

这就是我的人生,谁也不要期望我怎么活。This is my life, no one would expect me to live.


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