
秋风,凉丝丝的,吹拂着花草树木,好像一位温情的母亲正轻轻地哼着催眠曲把自己的子女送进甜蜜的梦乡。Autumn wind, cool silk, blowing flowers and trees, as if a tender mother is gently humming hypnotic song to send her children into a sweet dream.

枫树林给大地铺上了红色的地毯,秋风一吹,枫叶发出哗啦啦的响声,好似在鼓掌欢庆这丰收的景象。The maple trees lay a red carpet on the earth. When the autumn wind blows, the maple leaves rattle as if applauding and celebrating the harvest.

石榴树在淡淡的晨雾中,显得特别精神,石榴果仿佛知道了秋天的到来,它笑了,笑得那样地欣慰、可爱,红里透亮的牙齿也露了出来!Pomegranate trees in the light morning fog, appears to be particularly spiritual, as if the pomegranate knows the arrival of autumn, it laughed, laughed so happy, lovely, bright red teeth also exposed!

秋天,美丽的季节,收获的季节,金黄的季节,同百花盛开的春天一样另人向往,同骄阳似火的夏天一样热情,同白雪飘飘的冬天一样迷人。Autumn, the beautiful season, the harvest season, the golden season, like a hundred flowers blooming in spring, as warm as a hot summer, as charming as a snow-drifting winter.

秋天在田野里。田野是金黄色的。黄澄澄的稻谷,远远望去,整个田野就像铺上了一块金色的地毯。Autumn is in the field. The fields are golden. From a distance, the whole field looks like a golden carpet covered with yellow rice.

秋,是个色,香,味俱全的季节,色,香,味之外,还有声与光,那时秋声与秋日,此时,绚丽缤纷的秋色使我眼花缭乱,应接不暇。Autumn is a season full of color, fragrance and taste. Besides color, fragrance and taste, there are sound and light. At that time, the sound of autumn and autumn, at this time, the colorful autumn makes me dazzled and overwhelmed.

摇曳的群摆寂寂地飘过,鞋子敲打出细细的声响,空灵,清淡,也许,谈一场与大地的恋爱更为亲切,在任何一个瞬间,它都在倾听你心里的答案。The swaying swaying crowd drifted silently, the shoes knocked out a fine sound, empty, light, perhaps, to talk about a love with the earth is more intimate, at any moment, it is listening to the answer in your heart.

爱,是无止境的幸福,也可能是无边界的苦痛,愿幸福拥抱全世界的爱,愿你我能够一起走过人生的风风雨雨。Love is endless happiness, may also be boundless pain. May happiness embrace the love of the whole world, wish you and I can go through the storms of life together.

一抹清秋浅欢,一语衷情文字,如此之好。就让时光慢行,缓缓感受秋日物语,别让清秋冷落,别让时光黯淡。A touch of Qingqiu shallow joy, a word of heartfelt words, so good. Let the time go slowly, feel the autumn stories slowly, don’t let the autumn cold, don’t let the time dim.

一片片飘落的叶子,有的像蝴蝶翩翩起舞,有的像飘落的叶子莺展翅飞翔,还有的像舞蹈演员在轻盈地旋转。Some are dancing like butterflies, some are flying like falling leaf warblers, and some are turning lightly like dancers.

秋雨霏霏,让树叶瑟瑟发抖,那曾经给我们带来收获的树木,在风雨的摧残下,留下孤独的树枝。The autumn rain makes the leaves tremble. The trees that once brought us harvest leave lonely branches under the devastation of wind and rain.

校园里有几棵梧桐树,已经变成了深红色,秋风一吹,一片片飘落的叶子就像一只只蝴蝶,在天空中快乐的飞舞,时不时还变换一下舞姿。There are several sycamore trees in the campus, which have become dark red. When the autumn wind blows, the falling leaves are like butterflies, flying happily in the sky and changing their dancing postures from time to time.

天空变的如此宁静,变得又高又蓝。而白云有如羊群,再细看,又有如棉花糖。天空仿佛被海水洗过了,如羽毛一般的轻盈。The sky became so quiet and tall and blue. And Baiyun is like a flock of sheep. Look closely, it’s like cotton candy. The sky seemed washed by sea water, as light as feathers.

蔚蓝色的天空在深秋时节,一尘不染,晶莹透明。朵朵霞云照映在清澈的江上;鱼鳞的微波,碧绿的江水,增添了浮云的彩色,分外绚丽。The blue sky is spotless and transparent in late autumn. Many clouds are reflected on the clear river; the microwave of fish scales and the green river water add colour to the floating clouds and make them more beautiful.

秋露还是一罐颜料。我们走在长长的石子路上,又来到了雪松旁。雪松还是那么绿,还像以前那样,昂首挺胸,精神抖擞,碧绿如春。Autumn dew is still a pot of paint. We walked along the long stone road and came to the cedar. Cedar is still so green. It’s as green as it used to be.

岁月的风尘夹杂着寒霜,也会将希望凋零。就象深秋即将来临,寒风横扫落叶,繁华瞬间落寞。Years of wind and dust mixed with frost, will also wither hope. As late autumn is approaching, the cold wind sweeps the fallen leaves, and the bustling moment is lonely.

秋雨后,果园里的水果都戴上了一条珍珠项链。用手去摇晃树枝,那一条条珍珠项链都不约而同的掉下来。滴在石头上,发出滴答滴答的响声。After the autumn rain, the fruit in the orchard wore a Pearl necklace. The pearl necklaces all fall off in the same way when you shake the branches with your hands. Drop on the stone and make a ticking sound.

那个秋天,心随着秋风萧瑟飘摇,心事像落叶一样枯萎埋葬,一切都消失在那个烟雨缥缈的清秋中。That autumn, the heart with the autumn wind bleak shake, the mind like deciduous withered and buried, everything disappeared in the misty autumn.

秋后的后半夜。月亮下去了,太阳还没有出,只剩下一片乌蓝的天;除了夜游的东西,什么都睡着。Midnight after autumn. The moon went down, the sun was not yet out, and there was only a dark blue sky left; everything except the things that traveled at night fell asleep.

到了秋天,桂花树上的桂花都开了,让老远的人们都能闻到那醉人的香味。In autumn, sweet-scented osmanthus blossoms on Osmanthus trees, so that people from far away can smell the intoxicating fragrance.
