你这双眼睛,我给你的。Your eyes, I give you.
如果这个世界不喜欢毛毛的煎饼,那就改变这个世界。If the world doesn’t like pancakes, change the world.
一切都会过去的,你还可以爱上别人。Everything will pass, you can fall in love with others.
对他来说,并没有失去什么,只是多了一段人生。For him, did not lose anything, just a life.
原来两个人肩并肩坐在一起,也会走散。The original two people sitting side-by-side, will be separated.
你为别人拼过命吗?就像走完一条漫长的隧道。Have you ever made a living for others? It’s like walking a long tunnel.
我找不到人问,记也记不起。你那边几点。I can’t find anyone to ask, I can’t remember. What are you over there?.
然而梦里有人说,声音轻柔而坚定,她说,让我留在你身边。But someone in the dream said, soft and strong, she said, let me stay with you.
我必须要保证你的安全,在这个荒原上,你是我的重中之重。I have to keep you safe, you are my top priority in this wasteland.
人海茫茫,全部错过。因为分母太浩瀚,分子太孤单,所以唯一等于没有。The vast sea of humanity, all miss. Because the denominator is too vast, molecules too alone, so the only equal to No.
我没有要赢,我只是不想输罢了。I don’t want to win, I just don’t want to lose.
神,生于人心,死于人性。请垂怜于我吧,让我再次眷顾,深爱的你们。God, born in the heart, died of humanity. Please have mercy on me, let me love you one more.
真正适合你的不是一个伤人的冰块,而是一杯温暖的热茶。You are not really suitable for a wounding of ice, but a warm cup of hot tea.
但我不知道自己将来在哪里。因为我知道,无论哪里,我都没法带你去。But I don’t know where I’ll be. Cause I know I can’t take you anywhere.
那渴望已久的冥冥未知,不过是死亡罢了,唯有死亡。The long-awaited “unknown, but death is only in death.
人活着就会失去。你失去的不会再来,你争取的永远都会失去。People alive will lose. You lost will not come again, you will never lose.
我把全部的倔强都藏进心脏,希望在人群中去融入去释放。I put all the stubborn into the heart, hope to get into the crowd to release.
有人说,十年太长,什么都有可能会变。Some people say that ten years is too long, what is likely to change.
你说我是你的摆渡人,让你学会面对爱和恨!You are my ferryman, let you learn to love and hate!
她的遗物并不多,而我,也是其中一件。She’s not much of a relic, and I’m one of them.