
保护蓝天碧水。Protect the blue sky.

重归香格里拉。Return to Shangri-La.

我是环保一员。I am a member of environmental protection.

把绿色还给地球。Give the green back to earth.

郁郁葱葱,创新州。A wild profusion of vegetation, the innovation of the state.

草儿可爱,大家爱。The lovely, love.

绿色家园,呵护健康。Green homes, health care.

绿色消费,消费绿色。Green consumption, green consumption.

欣赏荒野、回归自然。Enjoy the wilderness, return to nature.

绿草茵茵,她想安静!Green grass, she want to be quiet!

足下留情,春意更浓。Your mercy, springtime fun.

绿色在心,行动在手。Green in mind, action in hand.

我很怕羞,请别碰我!I was very shy, please don’t touch me!

保护环境,人人戒烟。Protect the environment, everyone quit smoking.

赞化天地、道法自然。Zanhua heaven and nature.

花儿香香,何忍摘下。I don’t pick the flowers fragrant.

植树造林,造福后代。Planting trees for the benefit of future generations.

让动植物与我们同生存。Let animals and plants live with us.

保护自然界,关爱家园。Protect the nature, care for home.

拯救地球就是拯救未来。Saving the earth is to save the future.
