
一个人不是在该死的时候死,而是在能死的时候死。A man dies not when he is dead, but when he dies.

只要没有死人埋在地下,你就不属于这个地方。As long as no dead people are buried in the ground, you don’t belong here.

原来时间也会失误和出现意外,并因此迸裂,在某个房间里留下永恒的片段。The original time will be mistakes and accidents, and therefore Benglie, leaving the eternal fragments in a room.

像梦游人一般穿过阴惨的世界,肺叶间满溢令人窒息的鲜血的味道。Like a dream through the gloomy world visitors, interlobular choking with the smell of blood.

让一让,母牛们,生命短暂啊!Let it be, cow, life is short!

背影是真的,人是假的。Figure is true, people are false.

记忆因思绪无情的力量化为实体。Memory for the relentless force of thought into entities.

我们打了这么多年仗,一切只不过是为了别把我们的房子涂成蓝色。We fought for so many years, just to keep our house painted blue.

他痛恨这个世界,渴望孤身独处。He hated the world and longed to be alone.

他渴望孤独,对整个世界的怨恨咬噬着他的心。He longed for the whole world of loneliness, resentment biting his heart.


人们一派懈怠,而遗忘却日益贪婪。People are lazy, but forgotten but increasingly greedy.

注定经受百年孤独的家族不会有第二次机会在大地上出现。A family that is destined for a hundred years of solitude will not have a second chance to appear on the earth.

对我来说,只要能确定你我在这一刻的存在就够了。It’s enough for me to be sure that you and I are here at this moment.

如果不是战争,那就是死亡把他带走。If it wasn’t for the war, it was death.

买下一张永久车票,登上一列永无终点的火车。Zhang Yongjiu bought a ticket and boarded a train Lieyong without end point.

往日的推心置腹已经一去不返,同谋和交流变成敌意与缄默。The past had gone, conspiracy and AC into hostility and silence.

钟摆能让任何东西飞起来,却无法使自己腾空。The pendulum can let anything fly, but could not make their flight.

你看那天,看那墙,看那秋海棠,今天还是星期一。You see that day, look at the wall, look at the Begonia, today or Monday.

百年一参透,百年一孤独。One hundred years to fathom, one hundred years of loneliness.

人们一派懈怠,而遗忘却日渐贪婪,无情地吞噬一点一滴的记忆。People are lazy, but the forgotten but increasingly greedy, mercilessly devour bit by bit memory.
