
开始存钱并及早投资,这是最值得养成的好习惯。Saving money and investing early is the best way to develop good habits.

金钱总是向着机会流动,而美国则是充满了机会。Money tends to flow, and America is full of opportunities.

通货膨胀是投资者的最大敌人。Inflation is the biggest enemy of investors.

目前的金融课程可能只会帮助你做出庸凡之事。The current financial course may only help you make a mediocre.

我们不必屠杀飞龙,只需躲避它们就可以做的很好。We need not only to avoid the slaughter dragon, they can do a good job.

不是贪婪,而是嫉妒推动着世界前进。It is not greed, but envy that drives the world forward.

习惯的链条在重到断裂之前、总是轻到难以察觉!The chains of habit are always too light to be seen until they are broken!

开始存钱并及早投资,这是最值得养成的习惯。Start saving and investing early, which is the most important habit.

理智是投资股票最基本的要求。Reason is the basic requirement of investing in stocks.

按兵不动:有时成功的投资需要按兵不动。Sometimes the successful investment need to halt the troops and wait halt the troops and wait.


任何一位,卷入复杂工作的人都需要同事。Anyone who is involved in complex work needs a colleague.

思想枯竭,则巧言生焉!Thought is born exhausted, blarney!

我只做我完全明白的事。I just do what I kno

民主制度很好,但是却不适用于投资决策。Democracy is good, but it doesn’t apply to investment decisions.

现在远离麻烦,要比以后摆脱麻烦容易得多。It’s much easier to get out of trouble than to get out of trouble.

当大浪退去时,我们才知道谁在裸泳When the big waves receded, we know who is swimming naked

一定要在自己的理解力允许的范围内投资。Be sure to invest within the limits of your own understanding.

投资人最重要的特质不是智力而是性格。The most important attribute of an investor is not intelligence but character.

每个人都会在资本的游戏中犯错。Everyone will make mistakes in the game of capital.

永远不要问理发师你是否需要理发。Never ask a barber if you need a haircut.
