
爱情不像喝啤酒,有一大桌人,爱情应该像喝咖啡,一个人在角落安静地品尝。Love is not like drinking beer, there is a big table, love should be like drinking coffee, a person in the corner quietly tasting.

我喜欢你,如微风徐徐,如温阳媚丽,如山间小溪,如过桥人家,如你。I like you, such as the gentle breeze, such as warm sunshine, such as mountain streams, such as people crossing bridges, such as you.

永远不要和不孝顺的人成为朋友,否则你会潜移默化地成为像他那种人。Never make friends with an unfilial person, or you will become a person like him imperceptibly.

若我看倦了风景,走累了路。你是否,愿意变成酒色的石头,让我把余生靠一靠。If I am tired of seeing the scenery, I am tired of walking. Are you willing to turn into wine-colored stone, let me rely on the rest of my life.

也许一个人要走很长的路,经历过生命中无数突如其来的繁华和苍凉才会变的成熟。Perhaps a person has to go a long way, and experience countless unexpected prosperity and desolation in his life before he becomes mature.

我们最大的错误,就是把最差的脾气和最糟糕的一面,都给了最亲近的人。Our biggest mistake is to give the worst temper and the worst side to the closest people.

你爬得高,走得远,不是为了给世界看到,而是为了看到世界。You climb high and go far, not to show the world, but to see the world.

想了很多的话,说出来才发现什么都是无力的,若懂你,便不用言语。Think a lot of words, speak out to find that everything is powerless, if you understand, then do not use words.

我多想拥抱你,可是你我之间相隔时光之里,你我之间人来人往。I want to hug you, but in the time between you and me, people come and go between you and me.

所有暗恋过的人都知道,那些日子的自卑与自作多情有多猖獗。Everyone who has ever loved secretly knows how rampant inferiority and self-indulgence are in those days.


你为什么老是找我聊天,是不是喜爱我。不是的话,我再想想办法。Why do you always talk to me? Do you like me? If not, I’ll think about it again.

未来始终是一个未知数,不管是幸福还是更艰难,一直觉得,最好的时间就是现在。The future is always an unknown, whether it is happiness or more difficult, has always felt that the best time is no

每个人都应该学会丰盈自己的生活,拥有属于自己的独处方式。Everyone should learn to enrich their lives and have their own way of being alone.

我希望有这么一个人,给我波澜不惊的爱情,陪我看世界的风景,许我一世的欢颜。I hope that there will be such a person, to give me the unexpected love, accompany me to see the scenery of the world, make my life happy.

我们都不是对方唯一的选择,既然遇见了,就对彼此好一点。We are not the only choice for each other. Now that we meet, we should treat each other better.

过去这么久,我看到你的名字,还是会有那么一瞬间,觉得世界都静止。For so long, when I saw your name, there would still be a moment when I felt the world was static.

愿你的故事中有我,哪怕一笔带过。庆幸我的故事中有你,一直都在。May you have me in your story, even if it’s ever been written. Thank you for your presence in my story.

我们只有活过一遍之后才会明白,可是那时候剩下的感觉只有一种,名叫后悔。We can only understand it after we have lived it once, but there was only one feeling left at that time, called regret.

但求遇见你,只为悲喜有知,只愿落雨成诗,只恨相思成痴。But I hope to meet you, just for joy and sorrow, only want to rain into poetry, only hate missing into idiocy.

遇到可爱的你,生活一下子不艰难了,街道也好,晚风也罢,都很甜。Meet the lovely you, life is not difficult, the streets or the evening breeze, are all sweet.
