你必须赢得冠军,而且就像我一样,得是第一次赢得冠军奖杯。You must win the championship and, like me, win the championship for the first time.
世界上有两种球队,一种是有梅西的球队,另一种是没有梅西的球队,这是完全不同的。There are two kinds of teams in the world, one with Messi and the other without Messi. It’s totally different.
我们拥有顶尖的球员,所以如果我要是傲慢的话,不好意思,我们还有位顶尖的主教练。We have top players, so if I’m arrogant, I’m sorry, we have a top coach.
他们必须享受为我和切尔西队效力,但是他们用不着爱上我。They must enjoy playing for me and Chelsea, but they don’t have to fall in love with me.
生活中最糟糕的事情不是冒险失败,而是你根本没去尝试。The worst thing in life is not to risk failure, but because you haven’t tried it at all.
那个进球来自月球、来自安菲尔德球场的看台。That goal came from the moon and from the stands at Anfield.
现在肯定有人会后悔,但不是我。Some people will regret it now, but not me.
我不会为自己哭泣,只会为自己的士兵流泪!I will not weep for myself, but will weep for my soldiers.
当你带着心和灵魂而战,把你的激情、汗水、力量、牙齿和一切的一切都留在场上后,即使输球,也没什么可遗憾的。When you fight with your heart and soul and leave your passion, sweat, strength, teeth and everything on the pitch, even if you lose, there’s no regret.
所有人都希望切尔西输球,如果某天我们输了,他们会把那天定为公众的节日。Everyone wants Chelsea to lose, and if we lose one day, they’ll make it a public holiday.
我们目前排名榜首不是因为俱乐部的财力雄厚,我们有能力争夺许多冠军荣誉是因为我的辛勤工作。We are not at the top of the table because the club is financially strong. We have the ability to compete for many trophies because of my hard work.
如果有人因为我说实话惩罚我的话,那就是民主的末日,我们会回到中世纪。If anyone punished me for telling the truth, it would be the end of democracy, and we would go back to the Middle Ages.
有越多的人讨厌你,就有更多的人热爱你;有越多的人想要打败你,就证明你有多强大。The more people hate you, the more people love you; the more people want to beat you, the more powerful you are.
你必须工作的又勤奋又出色,因为很多人工作勤奋但是结果不够好。You have to work hard and well, because many people work hard, but the result is not good enough.
换人是个赌博,如果某一天它没发生作用,就像我第一年在纽卡斯尔那样,我会受到批评,但我仍会睡的很香,因为我尝试了。生活中最糟糕的事情不是冒险失败,而是你根本没去尝试,这也是我时刻传递给队员们的信息。It’s a gamble, and if it doesn’t work one day, as I did in Newcastle in my first year, I’ll be criticized, but I’ll still sleep soundly because I tried. The worst thing in life is not to risk failure, but to not try at all, and that’s the message I always send to the players.
这样的金牌我去年已经有了,我不喜欢一样的东西。I already had such a gold medal last year. I don’t like the same thing.
我要感谢切尔西俱乐部的所有球迷,我们之间的爱将永远不会结束。I want to thank all the fans of Chelsea club. The love between us will never end.
为什么非要一直不停地开阿斯顿马丁?我同时还拥有法拉利和保时捷跑车啊。那样做太蠢了。Why do we have to keep opening Aston Martin? I also own Ferrari and Porsche sports cars. It’s stupid to do that.
成为曼联的主教练,是一份特殊的荣耀。曼联散发出的浪漫和魅力,没有其他俱乐部能比得上。It’s a special honor to be united’s manager. No other club can match the romance and charm of Manchester United.
切尔西是一支最好的球队,如果这听上去有点狂妄自大,那么请大家原谅:现在的切尔西更有了一个最好的主教练。Chelsea is the best team and if that sounds a bit arrogant, please forgive me: Chelsea now has the best coach.