
你要去相信,时光且长,你终将长成自己想要的模样,拥抱独属于你的未来。You have to believe that over time, you will grow into what you want and embrace the future that belongs to you.

倘若一时受挫或失败,你可以允许自己焦虑、烦闷,时间到了,便收拾情绪,重新出发。If you suffer setbacks or failures, you can allow yourself to be anxious and bored. When the time comes, you can clear up your emotions and start again.

梦想不是用来自我标榜的,也不是用来空许的,而是用来实现的。Dream is not for self advertised, nor for empty promises, but for realization.

我认为最好的生活就是充分利用生活所提供的一切。I think the best life is to make full use of everything that life provides.

失去梦想的人也不要一次又一次地麻痹自己,认为自己早已和梦想失之交臂,梦想从未离你远去,你失去的只是找回梦想的勇气。Don’t paralyze yourself again and again when you lose your dreams. Think you’ve lost them. Dreams never leave you. All you lose is the courage to find them.

生活赋予了我什么,便接受它,并且用力让自己生活得更好。What life gives me, I accept it and exert myself to live better.

我们需要学会知足,学会与自己比较,今天过得比昨天好,便值得欢喜。We need to learn to be satisfied and learn to compare with ourselves. Today is better than yesterday.

不要放弃自己的内心,因为你自己的人生道路,最终只能自己走下去,如果违背了自己的本心,那便无法快乐。Do not give up your heart, because your own life path, and ultimately can only go on their own, if against their own hearts, it will not be happy.

喜欢一件事,你就慢慢去做吧。If you like something, do it slowly.

人生太长,人生也太短,当岁月流逝,健康不在,回顾一生的经历,会因为对梦想的执着而感到勇敢,就算面对死亡,也不会觉得有任何遗憾。Life is too long, life is too short, when the years go by, health is not there, looking back on life experience, will be because of the persistence of the dream and feel brave, even in the face of death, will not feel any regret.


生命是一条不可逆转,永不能折返的道路,每向前走一步,便离死亡更近一点。Life is an irreversible, never-turning road, and every step forward is a little closer to death.

生命的意义是掌握在自己手中的,如果你的心不被外界的诱惑所动摇,那么,任凭时光流转、岁月变迁,你也依然会安然地保持自我,还原初心。The meaning of life is in your own hands. If your heart is not swayed by the temptation of the outside world, then you will still be able to keep yourself and restore your original mind in peace with the passage of time and the changes of time.

不论选择了怎样的人生,只要尽力地接纳生活所赋予自己的一切,让每一分、每一秒都不留遗憾,这样就足够了。No matter what kind of life you choose, it’s enough just to accept what life gives you and let every minute and every second have no regrets.

有人总说:已经晚了。实际上,现在就是最好的时光。对于一个真正有所追求的人来说,生命的每个时期都是年轻的、及时的。Someone always says, “it’s already late.” Actually, now is the best time. For a real pursuer, every period of life is young and timely.

你要去相信,世界会变,但梦想始终如一。You have to believe that the world will change, but your dreams will always be the same.

你可以一辈子不登山,它使你总往高处爬,它是你任何一刻抬起头都能看到自己的希望。You can never climb a mountain for a lifetime. It keeps you climbing high. It’s the hope that you can look up at any moment.

生命是一段复杂的旅程,但幸福只是一个简单的手势,其实,你无须用力,便能轻易拥抱到幸福。Life is a complicated journey, but happiness is only a simple gesture, in fact, you do not have to exert, you can easily embrace happiness.

世界上,最公平和最不公平的,都是时间。别人偷不走它,而你却也留不住它。你拥有了它,却不能改变它。The most equitable and most unfair thing in the world is time. Others can’t steal it, but you can’t keep it. You have it, but you can’t change it.

有些路,走的人多了,似乎平坦,而有些路,罕无人迹,充满未知。有些路你不走下去,永远不知道它有多美。Some roads, many people walk, seem flat, and some roads, no trace of people, full of unknown. Some roads do not go down, you never know how beautiful they are.

我忽然明白,自己早就做好了死亡的准备,但当死亡真正来临的那一刻,内心还是十分留恋活下去的日子的。It suddenly dawned on me that I had been ready for death, but when it came, I was still very nostalgic to live.
