

一个人若是知道自己为什么而活,就能忍受任何生活。If a man knows why he lives, he can endure any life.

如果你从一开始就不打算为自己的梦想负责,那你将永远无法实现它们。If you don’t intend to be responsible for your dreams from the beginning, you will never be able to achieve them.

打从半高处看,这世界最美好。From half high, the world is the best.

高贵的灵魂,是自己尊敬自己。The noble soul is self respectful.

我祈求我的高傲要永远伴随我的智慧。I pray that my pride will always be accompanied by my wisdom.

那些没有消灭你的东西,会使你变得更强壮。Those things that do not destroy you will make you stronger.

他们把水搅混,以使其看上去更深。The water they wish to make it look deeper.

一切荣耀、尊敬、智慧、感谢、赞美和力量归于我们的上帝,永永远远!All glory, respect, wisdom, gratitude, praise and strength are to our God for ever and ever!

如果没有音乐,生活就是一个错误。If there is no music, life is a mistake.

道德有两种:有独立心而勇敢者曰贵族道德;谦逊而服从者曰奴隶道德。There are two kinds of morality: the independent heart and the brave man say the aristocratic morality; the modesty and the obedient say the slave morality.


坏脾气的消失,可以准确地反映智慧的增长。The disappearance of a bad temper can accurately reflect the growth of wisdom.

切勿自我膨胀,否则,一根小刺便可以把你刺穿!Do not self expansion, otherwise, a small thorn can hurt you!

湿透的衣裳,终究会干。可以遗忘的,都不再重要。The drenched clothes will eventually dry. All that can be forgotten is no longer important.

真正的男子渴求着不同的两件事:危险和游戏。The real man craving for two different things: danger and game.

等我学会了飞翔,便不需要推动就可从一处移到另一处。When I learn to fly, I can move from one place to another without driving.

对他人是快乐的人,对自己是睿智的人。A man who is happy to others, a wise man to himself.

智慧的增长可用痛苦的减少来精确衡量。The growth of wisdom can be measured accurately by the reduction of pain.

艺术的本质方面始终在于它使存在完成。The essence of art is that it makes existence complete.

强烈的希望,比任何一种已实现的快乐,对人生具有更大的激奋作用。Strong hope than any realized happiness, excitement has effect on life.

一个人的孤独是病人的逃避,另一个人的孤独是对病人的逃避。One’s loneliness is the escape of the patient, and the other’s loneliness is the escape from the patient.
