

发生的都值得回味,花开值得结果。我但愿人生常能回味,而我不回头。What happens is worth remembering, and flowers are worth bearing. I hope that life will always be remembered, and I will not look back.

悲剧将人生的有价值的东西毁灭给人看,喜剧将那无价值的撕破给人看。Tragedy destroys the valuable things of life and comedy tears them apart.

如果你想在35岁以前成功,你一定在25至30岁之间确立好你的人生目标。If you want to succeed before the age of 35, you must set your life goals between the ages of 25 and 30.

在等待的日子里,刻苦读书,谦卑做人,养得深根,日后才能枝叶茂盛。In the days of waiting, study hard, be humble and have deep roots, so as to flourish in the future.

人生的道路虽然漫长,但紧要处常常只有几步,特别是当人年轻的时候。Although the road of life is long, the most important thing is often only a few steps, especially when people are young.

人生就像小路分岔的花园,有时候,一步选择,就能决定后面所有的路。Life is like a garden where paths diverge. Sometimes, one step at a time, one can decide all the paths behind.

来是偶然的,走是必然的。所以你必须,随缘不变,不变随缘。Come by chance, go by necessity. So you must, follow the fate unchanged, unchanged follow the fate.

欣赏别人的优点,善待别人的缺点,尊重别人的隐私,快乐自己的人生。Appreciate the advantages of others, treat others’shortcomings kindly, respect others’ privacy, and enjoy your own life.

等到自私的幸福变成了人生唯一的目标之后,不久人生就变得没有目标。When selfish happiness becomes the only goal of life, soon life becomes aimless.

愚痴的人,一直想要别人了解他。有智慧的人,却努力的了解自己。A fool always wants others to know him. Wise people try to understand themselves.


穷归穷,绝不愁,如果又穷又愁,这就划不来,变成穷愁潦倒就冤得很。If you are poor and sad, you will not be able to make a difference. If you are poor and sad, you will be very unjust if you become poor and sad.

人生代代无穷已,江月年年只相似。不知江月待何人,但见长江送流水。Life has lasted for generations, but the years are similar. I don’t know who Jiangyue will be, but I see the Yangtze River delivering water.

人生常态:当你可以放弃的时候,你不想;当你想放弃的时候,却不能。Normal life: When you can give up, you don’t want to; when you want to give up, you can’t.

人生是一头马,轻快而健壮的马,人要像骑手那样大胆而细心地驾驭它。Life is a horse, a light and strong horse, and one should control it as boldly and carefully as a rider.

人生的首要任务是变得尽可能地矫柔造作。何为第二任务至今无人发现。The first task of life is to become as flexible as possible. What is the second task has not been found up to no

全心全意去爱,别的就交给命运,这是聪明人都会遵循的简单规则。To love wholeheartedly and leave the rest to destiny is a simple rule that wise people follo

爱情是讲情的去处,不是讲理的地方。女友和道理在这儿只能选一个。Love is the place to talk about love, not reason. Girlfriend and reason can only choose one here.

如果那时没有遇见你,可能这一生,都不会知道如此爱一个人的滋味吧。If I hadn’t met you at that time, maybe I would never know how it feels to love someone so much in my whole life.

抱怨就像搬起石头砸自己的脚,于人无益,于己不利,于事无补。Complaint is like lifting a stone and throwing it at one’s feet. It’s not good for others, it’s not good for oneself, it’s not good for things.

如果理智的分析都无法支持自己做决定的时候,就交给心去作主吧!If the rational analysis can not support their own decision-making, it is left to the heart to decide!
