她飞跑着,两条腿像钟摆一样机械地抬起落下,又抬起,再落下。She ran, two legs as mechanical lift down like a pendulum, and lift down again.
枪响了,我一个箭步窜了出去,使出全身的力气奔跑着,耳边风声呼呼响。I shot, a stride out with all his strength to run, the wind whistling ear ring.
随着裁判的一声枪响,运动员们纷纷跃出起跑线,像离弦的箭一样向前冲去。他们互不相让,跑道上尘土飞扬,仿佛海水涨潮一样汹涌而来。With the sound of a shot, the athletes have jumped out of the starting line, like the arrow as rushed forward. They refused to give the runway on the dusty sea tide surging and the same as.
跨步要大,速度要稳定,握拳要空心,呼吸要均匀都是跑步的技巧,此外还有什么中途不要停下来,用嘴呼吸时要用舌尖抵住上门牙等等,老师说得不少,但被真正作用于实际的我还真不知道,至少,不全都用上。Step to a large, stable speed, a hollow, breathing uniform are running skills, in addition to what don’t stop halfway, breathing through the mouth to the tip of the tongue against the upper teeth and so on, the teacher said a lot, but was really in the actual I really do not know, at least, not all use.
跑步,让我不再轻易迷失在各种诱惑里,不再回过头去关心身后的种种是非与议论。不去顾及已经走过的路,我要向前走。Running, let me no longer easily lost in all kinds of temptations, no longer to look back to care for all kinds of behind and other arguments. Not to take care of the road I have passed, I want to go forward.
看到阿走跑步时的矫健英姿,全身上下在高速运转显露出的悠然自得,尽管相识了解已久,但看到这个似乎是为跑步而生的男人在全力奔跑时,青濑依然为之折服。See a walk when running the powerful yingzi, carefree and content revealed in the high-speed operation of the body, although some acquaintance long already, but see this seems to be born for the running man in full run, Seto is still green at.
突然发现,以后在跑步累个半死的时候,是再也不会有人给我加油了。All of a sudden, when the running was half dead, there would be no more gas for me.
起跑后,经过几分钟的拼搏,他把所有的对手远远地甩在后面,以冠军的姿态轻松而豪迈地在跑道上奔跑,冲向最后的目标。After the start, after a few minutes of hard work, he put all the competitors far behind, with the championship easily and Haomaidi running in the runway, toward the final goal.
冲出起跑线时,几名运动健儿还是并驾齐驱,几乎是笔直的一字行,可转眼之间就拉开了距离,形成了不规则的曲线。Out of the starting line, a few athletes or almost straight racing together bridle to bridle, one line, but in the twinkling of an eye it apart, the formation of irregular curve.
曾有人对我说过,跑步是最简单的运动,只是一直一直重复着相同的动作罢了。而我则一脸轻快地赞同,他说的的确没错,但每当我跑完步累得气喘吁吁瘫坐在草地上,总会对当初他那种轻松不屑的语气咬牙切齿。Someone once told me that running was the simplest exercise, but it was just the same action that had been repeated all the time. And I readily agreed with him. He was right, but when I was tired and panting on the grass after I ran, I would always grind his teeth on the grass.
我背起书包,三步并作两步飞奔出家门口,要不然迟到可就要挨老师批评了。I quickly ran Beiqishubao, door, or late will be criticized by the teacher.
嗬,好家伙!他这一跑起来,你就看不见他的腿怎样抬、怎样落,连一点响声都听不见,真比鹰追兔子还快。Oh, boy! When he ran, you could not see how his legs were lifted and falling, and even a little sound could not be heard, and it was faster than the hawk chasing the rabbit.
一直在原地的运动是踏步,往前的是跑步,但是生活为什么永远为一样东西原地踏步呢!The movement that has always been in place is treadle. It is running, but why life is always the same thing.
做一个幸福的人,读书、跑步、努力工作,关心身体和保持好心情,成为最好的自己。Being a happy person, reading, running, working hard, caring about the body and keeping a good mood, become the best of yourself.
妹妹没命地跑呀,快跑到我眼前了,我忙闪身出来,妹妹一头撞在我怀里了。My sister desperately ran and ran to the front of me, I am busy Dodge, sister bumped into my arms.
跑步的真谛是越跑越痛快,跑下去,让软弱离开身体。The true meaning of running is to run more and more quickly, run down, and leave the body out of the body.
人不是因为衰老才停止跑步,而是因为停止跑步才衰老。People don’t stop running because they are old, but they get old because they stop running.
跑步是一种独特的体验,它融合了人类的两种原始冲动:恐惧与快感。无论是害怕了还是快活了,我们都会去跑步。既是奔跑着逃开不幸,也是奔跑着追寻幸福。Running is a unique experience that combines two kinds of human primordial impulses: fear and pleasure. We all go running, whether they are afraid or happy. Is running away and running unfortunately, the pursuit of happiness.
不开心的时候,一个人跑跑步,打打篮球,出点汗,就开心了。When a person is unhappy, a person runs running, plays basketball, sweats a little, and is happy.
跑步是一个过程,一个享受的过程,所有的朋友伸伸懒腰都来跑步吧,沐浴清晨的第一缕阳光,贪婪的吮吸着青草的芳香,感受着露珠的生机,一起来跑步吧,给生命另一抹亮丽的色彩。Running is a process, a process of enjoying all the friends have to stretch the running bath, the first ray of morning sun, greedily sucking the fragrant grass, feeling the dew vitality, running to the other life, a beautiful color.