
像这样各色人等混杂,环境喧闹不堪的集会倒是从未见过。Such a mixture of all kinds of people, the noisy noisy assembly never seen.

头脑是狭小的,而他却隐藏着思想,眼睛只是一个小点,他却能环视辽阔的天地。The mind is narrow, but he hides his thoughts, his eyes are only a little, but he can look around the vast world.

但是你并不知道,别人对我这样姑娘的爱情,在心中是由多么纤细的线维系着。But you don’t know how thin a thread holds the love of a girl like me in your heart.

随后,她对我露出微笑,不过很勉强,因为她不由自主地泪水盈眶。Then she smiled at me, but reluctantly, because she could not help crying.

我认为只有深刻地研究过人,才能创造出人物,如同只有认真地学习了一种语言才能讲它一样。I think that only by studying people deeply can we create characters, just as only by learning a language carefully can we speak it.

这些灵魂在等待着一只友谊的手来包扎他们的伤口,治愈他们心头的创伤。These souls are waiting for the hand of a friendship to bind their wounds and heal their wounds.

我们一定是前世作孽过多,再不就是来生将享尽荣华,所以上帝才会使我们这一生历尽赎罪和磨练的煎熬。We must have done too many sins in the past life, or we will enjoy the glory in the next life, so God will make our life through the suffering of atonement and temper.

赢得一颗没有谈过恋爱的心,这就等于进入一个没有设防的城市。To win a heart that has never been in love is to enter an undefended city.

且让我们一起遗忘,你忘掉一个你应该不会关心的名字,我忘掉一份不可能的幸福。And let’s forget together, you forget a name you shouldn’t care about, I forget an impossible happiness.

只有真正贞洁的女人才会有真正纯洁的情感。Only a truly virginal woman can have genuine purity.


本可以问一声玛格丽特是否在家,但是门房可能回答我说不在;我宁愿多怀疑两分钟,因为有怀疑就有希望。I could have asked Marguerite if she was at home, but the porter might have answered that I wasn’t; I would have doubted it for two more minutes, for there was hope in doubts.

生活只不过是反复完成持续不断的欲望。Life is nothing more than repeated continuous desire.

死亡已经净化了这个富丽而淫秽的场所的臭气。Death has purified the stench of this rich and obscene place.

高大的杨树的颤栗声和柳树的呢喃细语,不停的哄着河流入睡。The thrill of the tall poplar and the whispering of the willow trees kept the river on its way to sleep.

我记得请的是,我回到家,花了三小时打扮,看了上百次我的挂钟和表,不幸的是它们走得分秒不差。I remember asking, when I got home, I spent three hours dressing up, looking at my clock and watch hundreds of times, but unfortunately they walked in perfect seconds.

我无法呆在家里。我觉得我的房间太小,容纳不下我的幸福,我需要向整个大自然倾诉我的衷肠。I can’t stay at home. I think my room is too small to hold my happiness. I need to pour out my heart to the whole nature.

人生只不过是反复完成持续不断的欲望,灵魂只不过是维持爱情圣火的守灶贞女。Life is but the repeated fulfillment of a constant desire, and the soul is but the chaste who keeps the flame of love alive.

除了你的侮辱是你始终爱我的证据外,我似乎觉得你越是折磨我,等到你知道真相的那一天,我在你眼中也就会显得越加崇高。Apart from your insult as evidence that you have always loved me, it seems to me that the more you torture me, the more sublime I will be in your eyes when you know the truth.

人毫无爱情的时候,只好满足于虚荣,一旦有了爱,虚荣就变得一文不值了。When a man has no love, he has to be content with vanity. Once he has love, vanity becomes worthless.

我也越觉得女人有两种爱的方式,即用心去爱,或用感官去爱,而两种方式互为因果。The more I feel that women have two ways of loving, that is, to love with the heart, or to love with the senses, and the two ways are causal to each other.
