
假如真的回不去了,那我宁愿我们错过。If I really can’t go back, I would rather we miss it.

为了遇见你,竟花光了我所有的运气。It took all my luck to meet you.

如果真的爱,你可以等待,待你有了能耐,待你还爱。If you really love, you can wait until you have the ability to love you.

我是人间惆怅客,断肠声里忆平生。I am a sorrowful guest on earth. I remember my life in the sound of broken bowels.

不经意扯起了嘴角,这世界就是一闹剧。Inadvertently pulled up the corners of the mouth, the world is a farce.

长大这两个字连偏旁部首都没有,一看就很孤独。Growing up is a lonely word without the capital on the side.

弱水三千,为你情钟。黄泉碧落,死亦不休。Weak water 3000, for your love. Yellow Spring falls blue, and death never ceases.

树叶回到了大地的怀抱,你也该回到我的怀抱了。Leaves have returned to the embrace of the earth, you should also return to my embrace.

树的方向,风决定。人的方向,自己决定。The direction of the tree is determined by the wind. Man’s direction is determined by himself.

我也曾走路带风,可后来学会了恋爱。I used to walk with wind, but later learned to love.

有些事,我们明知道是错的,也要去坚持,由于不甘心。Some things, we know is wrong, but also to adhere to, because not reconciled.

后来我过得很好,只是偶尔遗憾没有你的陪伴。Later, I had a good time, but occasionally regretted not having your company.

人生没有完美,容得下才能活得潇洒。Life is not perfect, can live with ease.

那种拼了命想要做好一件事,却搞砸了另一件事的心情。That kind of desperate desire to do one thing, but failed to do another thing.

我们不能一起出生,但是我们可以一起祸害苍生。We can’t be born together, but we can be born together.

千万不要回头看,身后的千万盏灯火,都不是你的归处。Never look back. The thousands of lights behind you are not your home.

从无话不说到无话可说,多深刻多难忘我都懂。I know how deep and unforgettable I am from having nothing to say to having nothing to say.

人间没有永恒的夜晚,世界没有永恒的冬天。There is no eternal night on earth, and there is no eternal winter in the world.

近视的唯一不好,就是连你的笑容也模糊了。The only bad thing about myopia is that your smile is blurred.

世间安得两全法,不负如来不负卿。The Tathagata is worthy of the two laws in the world.
