
比起你年轻的美貌,我更爱你那饱受岁月摧残的容颜。I love your face more often than your youthful beauty.

他对她说,和过去一样,他依然爱她,至死不渝。He told her that, as in the past, he still loved her until she died.

当生活中没有了“沙漠”,不用去考虑那些生活和生存的问题,或者说吧这些都搁置在不是太重要的位置的时候,生活也可以很愉快,但这样难免也说得太过无奈。When there is no “desert” in our life, we don’t need to consider the problems of life and survival, or put them in a less important position, life can be very happy, but it is inevitable to say too much helplessly.

这或许根本就是一个美丽的错误,在蓦然回首的刹那中,光影交错的瞬间,爱情就已悄然来临,然而这爱情到底是偶然间的邂逅,还是无数次刻意之后的相遇,爱本就不是一件简单的事。This may be a beautiful mistake. In the moment of suddenly looking back, the moment of light and shadow staggering, love has quietly arrived. However, whether this love is an accidental encounter or an encounter after countless deliberate encounters, love is not a simple matter.

我认识你,永远记得你。那时候,你还很年轻,人人都说你美。现在,我是特意来告诉你,对我来说,我觉得现在你,比年轻时候的你更美,与你那时的容貌相比,我更爱你现在备受摧残的面容。I know you, I will always remember you. At that time, you were very young, everyone said you were beautiful. Now, I’m here to tell you that for me, I think you are more beautiful now than you were when you were young, and I love you more than you were then.

爱情之于我,不是寻常的一饭一蔬,而是疲惫生活中的英雄梦想。Love for me is not an ordinary meal, but a hero dream in a tired life.

他说我的眼皮在抖动,就好像我欲睁开眼睛却又力不从心。说我腹部深处流出一种稠厚、浑浊、像血一样热的液体。说就在那一刻我的双腿分开了,让他深入这深处,那时我已经醒来。深入直至尽底处,为了坚持到底到达终点,他非常缓慢地进行着。He said my eyelids were shaking, as if I wanted to open my eyes but I couldn’t help. I said there was a thick, muddy, blood like liquid in the deep part of my abdomen. At that moment, my legs were separated and let him go deep into it, when I woke up. Deep into the bottom, he carried out very slowly in order to reach the finish line.

在我母亲穿着红衫裙的照片上显现出来的就是这种神情,也就是他们那种神态,那样一种风姿,有人也许说是高贵,有人大概认为是个性全无。It’s the way my mother looks in her red dress. It’s the way they look, the way they look. Some people may say noble, others may think they have no personality at all.

爱情之于我。不是一蔬一饭。不是肌肤之亲。而是一种不死的欲望。疲惫生活中的英雄梦想。Love is to me. It’s not a vegetable or a meal. Not the skin. It is a desire to die. A hero’s dream in exhausted life.

他们目光刹那间相遇了,时间之短,犹如房间的玻璃在阳光下亮光一闪。在这一瞥之下,他们的眼睛被灼烫了,它们立即躲开,并且合上了。内心的骚动趋于平静,又走向了沉默。Their eyes met in a flash, and the time was as short as the glass of the room glimpsing in the sunlight. At this glance, their eyes were scalded, and they immediately dodged and closed. The turmoil in the heart tends to be calm and silent.


大海汇集成为无限,远远退去,又急急卷回,如此往复不已。The sea has become infinite, far away, and hastily swept back.

他说他知道她此时的感受,这种绝望,这种难受。他说这不奇怪,有时候,在夜里某一时刻,人会感到慌乱不安,说他知道人那时没着没落的。He said he knew how she felt at the moment, this despair, this pain. He says it’s not surprising. Sometimes, at some point in the night, people feel flustered and uneasy. He says that he knows that people are not falling at that time.

爱之于我,不是一蔬一饭,不是肌肤之亲,是疲惫生活的英雄梦想。Love for me is not a vegetable and a meal, not a kiss of the skin, but a heroic dream of a tired life.

我常常忆起这个只有我自己还能回想起而从未向别人谈及的形象。它一直在那里,在那昔日的寂静之中,令我赞叹不止。这是所有形象中最使我惬意、也是我最熟悉、最为之心荡神驰的一个形象。I often recall this image that I can recall and never talk to others. It has been there, in the silence of the past, I am amazed. This is the image that makes me feel the most comfortable and the most familiar and the most heart of my image.

的确孩子们是扰人的,有孩子时你既不能睡又不能读也不能说,孩子们几乎和生活一样可怕。It’s true that children are disturbing. When you have children, you can neither sleep nor read nor speak. Children are almost as terrible as life.

我长得太矮,太平庸了,大街上再也没人看我了。I was too short and too mediocre, and no one in the street saw me anymore.

这一切就在一笑之间,说笑竟变成了战争,就像是痛苦必起于战争,所以抵抗运动对于投敌合作,饥馑对于严寒,烈士殉难对于卑鄙无耻,都是事出有因的。All this is in the midst of a laugh. Laughter turns into war, just like pain must start from war. So the resistance movement has a cause for cooperation with the enemy, hunger for the cold, martyr martyrdom for despicability and shamelessness.

恨之所在,是沉默据以开始的门槛。Where hate is, is the threshold of silence.

当一个人开始回忆的时候,就已经苍老。When a person starts to remember, he is already old.

你无时无刻不是我身边的那个完整的你。无论你在做什么,无论是离我遥远还是在我近旁,你都是我的希望。You are not the perfect person around me all the time. No matter what you are doing, whether it is away from me or near me, you are my hope.
