
我的生活像一只果子,我漫不经心地咬了几口,但没有品尝味道,也没有注意自己在吃。My life is like a fruit, I carelessly bit a few bites, but did not taste, nor pay attention to their own eating.

泪水既安慰了过去,也安慰了未来。Tears comforted the past and comforted the future.

我在孤独深处嗅出了开放而零落、如今已被尘封的往事最久远的气息。In the depths of solitude, I smell the most distant past, which is now open and scattered.

今天这份悲哀,我认为它是与生俱来来,我几乎可以把我的名字转给它,因为它和我那么相像,那么难解难分。Today’s sadness, I think it is born, I can almost pass my name to it, because it is so similar to me, so inextricable.

身在洞里,在洞底,处于几乎绝对的孤独中而发现只有写作能救你。没有书的任何主题、没有书的任何思路,这就是一而再地面对书。无边的空白。可能的书。面对空无。In the cave, at the bottom of the cave, in almost absolute solitude, only writing can save you. There are no books, no ideas, no books, this is the ground to the book. Boundless blanks. Possible books. Facing empty space.

那时候,你还很年轻,人人都说你美。现在,我是特意来告诉你,对我来说,我觉得现在你比年轻的时候更美。与你那时的面貌相比,我更爱你现在备受摧残的面容。At that time, you were very young, everyone said you were beautiful. Now, I have come to tell you that for me, I think you are more beautiful now than you were when you were young. Compared with your appearance, I love your more devastated face no

太阳消失在山丘后面,河谷折射着阿尔诺河的光芒。这是一条小河,水面闪亮而平静,河湾多而舒缓,河水是绿色的,这一切给它一种睡意朦胧的野兽的姿态。它慵懒地卧在陡峭的河岸,快乐地流淌着。The sun disappeared behind the hills. The valley reflected the light of the Arnaud river. This is a small river, the water is shining and calm, the bay is many and gentle, the river is green, all this gives it a sleepy beast posture. It lay idle on the steep bank of the river and flowed happily.

他说:不管是真爱还是不爱,心里总要感到慌乱,总是害怕的。He said: whether it is true love or not, always feel confused and always afraid.

她相信,她知道在哪里,在这场外景里,由于他们对于彼此的欲望灵犀相对,他们才变成情人。She believes that she knows where, in this scene, they become lovers because of their desires for each other.

你会认识这世界上所有的孩子,就是永远不会认识这些孩子。You will know all the children in the world, and you will never know these children.


不死欲望,是疲惫生活中的英雄梦想。The desire to die is a heroic dream in a tired life.

经历过孤独的日子,我终于喜欢上自己的无知,与它们相处我感到惬意,如同那是一炉旺火。这时就该听任火焰缓缓燃烧,不说一句话,不评论任何事。必须在无知中自我更新。After the lonely days, I finally fell in love with my ignorance, and I felt comfortable with them, as if it was a fire. It is time to let the flame burn slowly, without saying a word, without comment on anything. We must renew ourselves in ignorance.

我认识你,永远记得你。那时候,你还很年轻,人人都说你美。现在,我是特意来告诉你,对我来说,我觉得现在你,比年轻时候的你更美,与你那时的容貌相比,我更爱你现在备受摧残的面容。I know you, I will always remember you. At that time, you were very young, everyone said you were beautiful. Now, I’m here to tell you that for me, I think you are more beautiful now than you were when you were young, and I love you more than you were then.

日光使各种色彩变得暗淡朦胧,五颜六色被捣得粉碎。The sunlight dimmed all kinds of colors, and the colors were smashed to pieces.

你年轻时很美丽,身边有许多追求者,不过跟那时相比,我更喜欢你经历了沧桑的容颜。You were beautiful when you were young, and there were many suitors around you, but I like your face better than it used to be when you went through vicissitudes of life.

写作就是试图知道如果先写什么-其实只有在事后才知道-这是人们可能对自己提出的最危险的问题。但也是最通常的问题。Writing is trying to know what to write first – only after the fact – which is the most dangerous question people may ask themselves. But it is also the most common problem.

他们目光刹那间相遇了,时间之短,犹如房间的玻璃在阳光下亮光一闪。在这一瞥之下,他们的眼睛被灼烫了,它们立即躲开,并且合上了。内心的骚动趋于平静,又走向了沉默。Their eyes met in a flash, and the time was as short as the glass of the room glimpsing in the sunlight. At this glance, their eyes were scalded, and they immediately dodged and closed. The turmoil in the heart tends to be calm and silent.

经历过孤独的日子,我终于喜欢上自己的无知,与它们相处我感到惬意,如同那是一炉旺火。After the lonely days, I finally fell in love with my ignorance, and I felt comfortable with them, as if it was a fire.

她再次转向窗外,对窗外的雨水微笑。She turned to the window again and smiled at the rain outside the windo

我发现,要他违抗父命而爱我娶我、把我带走,他没有这个力量。他找不到战胜恐惧去取得爱的力量,因此他总是哭。他的英雄气概,那就是我。他的奴性,那就是他的父亲的金钱。I found that he did not have the strength to love me to marry me and take me away from his father’s life. He could not find the strength to overcome fear and gain love, so he always cried. His heroic spirit is me. His servitude is his father’s money.
