何必在乎别人看法,懂你的不用解释,不懂你的无需解释。Why don’t you care what other people think? Understand that you don’t need to explain. Understand that you don’t need to explain.
一个人的时候好好爱自己,两个人的时候好好爱彼此。Love yourself when you are alone, love each other when you are two.
愿你在今后的每个日子里即使单枪匹马,也能勇敢无畏。May you be brave in every day of the future, even if you are single-handed.
没有天生就适合的两个人,只有相互包容的两颗心。There are no two people who are naturally suitable, only two hearts that are mutually inclusive.
书虽然不能直接帮你解决问题,却能给你一个更好的角度。Although books can not directly help you solve problems, they can give you a better perspective.
每个人都有他的情之所钟,唯有你是我的妙手惊鸿。Everyone has his love, only you are my master.
不要总是去等待完美,而应该把握好现在让此刻变得完美。Don’t wait for perfection all the time, but make it perfect now.
最幸福不过是,你曾温柔呼唤,而我恰好有过应答。The happiest thing is that you called softly and I happened to answer.
你不用对每个过客负责,也不用对每个路人说教。You don’t have to be responsible for every passer-by or teach every passer-by.
人一辈子,要么有钱有安全感,要么有爱有幸福感。All one’s life, either rich and secure, or love and happiness.
保持对生活的爱和热忱,把每一天活得热气腾腾。Maintain love and enthusiasm for life, and live each day warmly.
旧人重见像老歌翻唱,歌词没变模样,意味却已深长。Old people see again like old songs, the lyrics have not changed, but the meaning has been profound.
不能到达的地方都是远方,而去过的地方却已成过往。Where we can’t reach is far away, but where we have been is past.
如果宇宙有心跳,那么它的心跳取决于听它心跳的人。If the universe has a heartbeat, then its heartbeat depends on the person who hears it.
总得熬过无人问津的日子,才能拥抱你的诗和远方。You have to survive the days when nobody cares about it before you can embrace your poetry and the distance.
很多事,自己相信就好好像看透人性,并非什么乐事。There are many things that I believe are just like seeing through human nature. It’s not a pleasure.
好的坏的我们都收下吧,然后一声不响,继续生活。Let’s take the good and the bad and go on living in silence.
一个不喜欢你的人对你不好,其实是,对你最大的好。A person who doesn’t like you is not good for you, in fact, the best for you.
炫耀自己祖先的人就像马铃薯,其最好的部分已埋入地下。People who show off their ancestors are like potatoes whose best part is buried underground.
小时候是哭着哭着就笑了,长大后是笑着笑着就哭了。When I was a child, I cried and laughed, but when I grew up, I cried and laughed.