
我从那最神圣的水波回来,我已再生,像新生树再生新叶。I come back from the most sacred wave, and I have been reborn like a new tree to regenerate new leaves.

没有什么失去的爱会无法复得,只要希望还现出绿色。There is no loss of love that can not be recovered, as long as hope is green.

要进来,先把希望留在门外。If you want to come in, leave the hope behind.

青春是多么美丽啊,却留不住这逝水年华!得欢乐时且欢乐吧,谁知明天有没有这样的闲暇!How beautiful the youth is, but can not keep the passing time! To be happy and joyful, who knows if there is such a free time tomorrow?

盲目的贪欲煽动者人们,到后来却永远使人们受着酷刑。The blind greedy incitators, but then, forever tortured people.

记住今晚,因为永远从今晚开始。Remember tonight, because tonight always starts tonight.

他曾经光彩照人,如今却丑陋不堪。他竟竖起眼眉,与造物主针锋相对。他是世间万恶之源。He used to shine, but now he is ugly. He raised his eyebrows and tit for tat with the creator. He is the source of all evil in the world.

我所听到的一切,让我想起了你聆听合奏,聆听管风琴伴奏的声音,有时,那声音清晰动听,有时,那声音杳如黄鹤。Everything I heard reminded me of your listening to the ensemble and the accompaniment of the organ. Sometimes, the sound was clear and beautiful, sometimes, it was as silent as a yellow crane.

在人生的中途,我发现我已迷失了正路,走进了一座幽暗的森林。In the middle of life, I found that I had lost my way and walked into a dark forest.

走你的路,让别人去说罢!Go your way and let others talk!

你们进入到这里,就丧失了一切希望。When you enter here, you lose all hope.

是爱也,感太阳而动群星。It is love, and the sun moves the stars.

最聪明的人是最不愿浪费时间的人。The wisest man is the last person who wants to waste time.

语言作为工具,对于我们之重要,正如骏马对骑士的重要。最好的骏马适合于最好的骑士,最好的语言适合于最好的思想。Language as a tool is important to us, just like the importance of a horse to a knight. The best horse is best for the best knights, and the best language is for the best minds.

你知道古往今来有多少哲人的欲望都没有的到结果,他们的好奇心非但不能满足,反而堕入了永久的惆怅。You know how many philosophers’desires have not come to fruition from time to time. Their curiosity, instead of being satisfied, has fallen into permanent melancholy.

只有懂得后悔的人才能得到谅解。Only those who know regret can get understanding.

所以脚底下最稳的,总是后面那只较低的脚。So the most stable foot is always the lower foot on the back.

弃绝一切希望吧!入门者!Abandon all hope! The entrance to the door!

受造恒久永罚永夜。跨入此门的人,当放弃一切希望!Eternal punishment for eternal night. Those who enter this gate should give up all hope!

世间的名,只是一阵风。The name of the world is just a gust of wind.
