
世界上有一种最美丽的声音,那便是母亲的呼唤。There is one of the most beautiful voices in the world, that is, the mother’s call.

不要怕!定定心!我们已在更好的路上了;不要后退,发展你的力量罢。Ap Jie Lop! Fix the heart! We are on the way to success. Do not retreat and develop your strength.

箭击中了目标,离了铉。The arrow hit the target and left Hyun.

你知道古往今来有多少哲人的欲望都没有的到结果,他们的好奇心非但不能满足,反而堕入了永久的惆怅。You know how many philosophers’desires have not come to fruition from time to time. Their curiosity, instead of being satisfied, has fallen into permanent melancholy.

恐惧,它使人们在正大的事情前面望而却步,好比胆怯的野兽,听见风声就吓得逃走一样。Fear, like a cowardly beast, scares people away when they hear the wind.

但既然,如我听到的,果真没有人能活着离开这深渊,我回答你,就不必害怕流言。But since, as I have heard, if no one can live out of this abyss, I answer you, don’t be afraid of gossip.

我曾去过那阳光最多的地方,看到了回到人间的人无法也无力重述的事物。I have been to the most sunny place, and I have seen things that can not be retold by people who return to earth.

走自己的路,让别人去说吧。Go your own way and let others talk.

我从那最神圣的水波回来,我已再生,像新生树再生新叶。I come back from the most sacred wave, and I have been reborn like a new tree to regenerate new leaves.

在不幸之日,回忆欢乐之时,是一个不能再大的痛苦。On the day of misfortune, it is no longer a great pain to recall happiness.


青春是多么美丽啊,却留不住这逝水年华!得欢乐时且欢乐吧,谁知明天有没有这样的闲暇!How beautiful the youth is, but can not keep the passing time! To be happy and joyful, who knows if there is such a free time tomorrow?

在我们人生旅途走到一半的时候,我发现自己身处一座阴暗的森林,因为笔直的康庄大道已然消失。Halfway through our journey of life, I found myself in a dark forest, because the straight and magnificent Avenue had disappeared.

你们进入到这里,就丧失了一切希望。When you enter here, you lose all hope.

如同受夜间寒气侵袭而低垂、闭合的小花,经微白的朝阳一照,朵朵在花茎上挺起、开放,我的萎靡的精神又振作起来。Like the small flowers drooping and closed by the cold at night, they rose and bloomed on the stems in the light of the pale morning sun, and my spiritual flabbiness rose again.

语言作为工具,对于我们之重要,正如骏马对骑士的重要。最好的骏马适合于最好的骑士,最好的语言适合于最好的思想。Language as a tool is important to us, just like the importance of a horse to a knight. The best horse is best for the best knights, and the best language is for the best minds.

所有来到这里的都把你们的希望捐弃了吧。All those who came here have given up your hope.

在人生的中途,我发现我已迷失了正路,走进了一座幽暗的森林。In the middle of life, I found that I had lost my way and walked into a dark forest.

你们的名声像草的颜色一样,来的匆匆,去也匆匆。使草褪色者,正是使它从地中长出嫩芽者。Your reputation is just like the color of grass. Those who make grass fade are the ones that make it grow from the ground.

保留对天堂美景的情感比保留美景本身更容易。It is easier to retain the emotion of heaven’s beauty than to preserve the beauty itself.

我们一起攀登,直到我透过一个圆洞,看见一些美丽的东西显现在苍穹。我们于是走出这里,重见满天繁星。We climbed together until I saw some beautiful things appearing in the vault through a circular hole. So we went out to see the stars.
