现在,世界的洪流将不仅仅从我们身边奔涌而过,它将贯穿我们的心,冒险和激烈的命运正在呼唤我们。Now, the torrent of the world will not only rush past us, it will run through our hearts. Adventure and fierce destiny are calling us.
我就像一棵秋天的树,树叶从它身边飘落,但它毫无知觉,雨水从它一旁滴落,还有太阳和严寒,生命已缓缓缩进了它内部最私密幽深之处。它没有死,它在等待。I am like an autumn tree whose leaves are falling from it, but it is unconscious. Rain drops from it, and the sun and the cold. Life has slowly retracted into its most private and deep place. It is not dead, it is waiting.
如果一个人迫切需要某样东西,然后找到了这个东西,那么赋予这种机会的就不是偶然,而是他自己,是他本身的渴望和迫切带领他去找到它。If a person urgently needs something and finds it, it is not by chance that he is given the opportunity, but by his own desire and urgency to lead him to find it.
我们命运内在的核心脉络就寄身在这些无人知晓的经历中。这些裂痕最终会弥合痊愈,被遗忘,然而在心中最私密的角落,它依然在生长,流血。The inner core of our destiny lies in these unknown experiences. These cracks will eventually heal and be forgotten, but in the most private corner of the heart, it is still growing and bleeding.
总而言之,就像以往一贯的情况那样,事情不取决于观点和叫嚷,而决定于存在,决定于行动。In short, as has always been the case, things do not depend on opinions and shouts, but on existence and action.
人永远回不了家,可是,当志同道合的路交叉在一起时,那一刻,整个世界看起来就像是家园。People can never go home, but when like-minded roads intersect, at that moment, the whole world looks like home.
任何人都不爱他,任何人都没有亲近他,虽然他是个好人、但却没有努力让任何人喜欢他。No one loved him, no one was close to him, although he was a good man, but he did not try to make anyone like him.
这个世界想要重新改变自己,弥漫了死亡的气息。因为所有东西的诞生,都要伴随着死亡。The world wants to reinvent itself. It permeates the breath of death. Because all things are born with death.
许多人,甚至所有人都能为了一个理想而赴死。然而这种理想却不是个人的、自由的、选择的理想,而是集体性的,被承认的理想。Many people, and even everyone, can die for an ideal. However, this ideal is not an individual, free, choice ideal, but a collective, recognized ideal.
冥冥中,我惘然觉得自己已经把它烧掉了。我烧掉了手中的画,然后吃下了画的灰烬――难道那只是一场梦?In the dark, I feel frustrated that I have burned it. I burned the picture in my hand, and I ate the ashes of the painting. Was it just a dream?
我只是尝试着过自己想要的生活而已,为何如此艰难呢?I’m just trying to live the life I want. Why is it so hard?
觉醒的人只有一项义务,找到自我,固守自我。沿着自己的路向前走,不管它通向哪里。The awakened man has only one duty to find himself and stick to himself. Go along your own path, no matter where it leads.
渴望,对世界最热烈的接触,以狂野的方式与世界再度分离,对自我黑暗灵魂的热切聆听,对奉献的陶醉,对奇妙之物的深深好奇!Desire, the warmest contact with the world, separation with the world again in a wild way, eager listening to my dark soul, intoxication with dedication, deep curiosity about wonderful things!
我做自己不情愿的事,是因为完全不知如何面对自己。我恐惧长久的孤独,害怕心绪的各种细微、羞涩和热切的波动,害怕那常常泛起的爱的柔情。I do what I do not want because I do not know how to face myself. I fear long-term loneliness, the subtle, shy and eager fluctuations of my mind, and the tenderness of love that often spreads.
这些胆战心惊聚在一起的人,其实都很恐惧,各自心怀鬼胎,彼此互不信任。他们固守那些早已不在的理想,但如果有人想树立新的理想,他们会用石头将他砸死。These frightened and frightened people, in fact, are all afraid of each other, with ghosts in their hearts and distrust each other. They stick to ideals that are no longer there, but if someone wants to set up new ideals, they will stone him to death.
我渴求的,无非是将心中脱颖欲出的本性付诸生活。为什么竟如此艰难呢?What I am longing for is nothing more than putting life in the mind. Why is it so hard?
一切都像同一个模子浇注出来的产品,千人一面,那些稚气面孔上的欢快乐也显得那么空虚,仿佛已被淘空。Everything is like a product poured out of the same mould. On one side of a thousand people, the joy on those childish faces seems so empty, as if it has been washed out.
而且,我们俩都不知道你到底是出于什么目的才这样酗酒。但你的内心却知道,它支配着你的人生,知道这一点就好了:我们内心有这样一个人,他无所不知,无所不愿,一切都做得比我们更好。Besides, neither of us knows why you were drinking so much. But your heart knows that it dominates your life. It’s good to know that there’s such a person in our heart who knows everything and doesn’t want anything. Everything is better than us.
啊,今天我知道,在世上,最让人畏惧的恰恰是通向自己的道路。Ah, today I know that the most daunting thing in the world is the way to yourself.
我不能自诩洞明世事。从过去到今天,我一直是一个寻觅者,但我也不再寻求于星辰与书本之间,而是开始聆听自己血液的簌簌低语。I can’t boast of what is happening. From the past to today, I have been a seeker, but I no longer seek between the stars and books, but began to listen to the rustle and whisper of my blood.