

抱着自己喜欢的人才有感觉。Holding your favorite people have a feeling.

水至清则无鱼,人至贱则无敌。Water to clear, no fish, people are invincible.

人是不是都这么贱,分手后还想念。People are not so cheap, but also miss after breaking up.

沈浸在寂寞中,被它的唯美所吸引。Immersed in the loneliness, it is attracted by its beauty.

最不可能发生的事,往往变成事实。The least likely thing to happen is often a fact.

一个人的世界里,我被迫学着成熟。A person in the world, I was forced to learn to mature.

钟表,可以回到起点,却已不是昨天。Clocks and watches, can return to the starting point, but it is not yesterday.

没有你的生活,犹如天空失去了蓝色。Life without you is like the sky without blue.

曾经想到你是微笑。现在想到你是苦笑。Ever thought that you were smiling. Now you think of a smile.

有的时候在乎的太多,反而做事放不开。Sometimes care too much, but do not work.


其实你与昨日的我,活到今天变化甚多。In fact, you and I yesterday, live today a lot of change.

我要给你一个拥抱,给你一双温热手掌。I want to give you a hug, give you a pair of warm hands.

友谊需真诚来衡量,而真诚由友谊来奉献。Friendship needs to be measured in good faith, and in good faith.

孤独是一首缠绵的诗,丝丝缕缕笼罩着你。Loneliness is a haunting poem, stole over you.

曾经的回忆都已经乱套了,是谁浮华了我心。Memories are already a mess, who is my heart.

有没有那么一瞬间,想把一秒钟变成一辈子。There is no such a moment, would like to turn a second into a lifetime.

只有在梦里,你才会在我需要你的时候出现。Only in a dream, you will be when I need you.

安静一点,淡然一点,沉稳一点,随意一点。Quiet, indifferent, calm a bit, a bit at.

我的爱是你沉重行李,绊住你追新梦的决心。My love is your heavy luggage, keeping you chasing new dream determination.

我把所有的真心话都放在玩笑里,你能懂吗?I put all my heart into a joke, you can understand?
