
前方无绝路,希望在转角。There is no end, hope in the corner.

不能给我的、请完整给她。Can’t give me, please complete to her.

彼年豆蔻,谁许谁地老天荒。Years cardamom, who made who The end of life.

是否我放你走,你就幸福了。If I let you go, you’ll be happy.

单曲循环,其实是一种心情。Single cycle, in fact, is a kind of mood.

所谓了逃避,只是无法面对迩。The so-called escape, just can’t face.

意料之中是戏,意料之外是计。Expected is the play, the unexpected is the plan.

正因为爱得不够,才借口多多。Because of love is not enough, just a lot of excuses.

似乎回到从前,依旧那么孤独。Seems to go back to the past, still so lonely.

不差七情六欲,只欠一心一意。No difference in the seven emotions and six sensory pleasures, undivided attention.


你的就是我的,我的还是我的。Yours is mine, mine is mine.

爱情结束了,分手是最后的好事。The end of love, breaking up is the last thing.

不要指望别人,有时候还是靠自己。Don’t expect others, sometimes by yourself.

你想走就走吧,我给你想要的自由。You want to go, I’ll give you the freedom you want.

那些刻骨铭心的,为何总是一触即发。That’s why The imprint is engraved on my heart., always triggered at any moment.

已散了场的电影,不再有回顾的意义。Has scattered the movie, no longer have the significance of the revie

两人若在长久时,吵嘴拌架也是美事。If two people in long, quarrel mix frame is also good.

别离让我深深的体会,命运里面有痛。Parting let me deep experience, there is pain in the pain.

再烦也别忘微笑,再急也要注意语调!Don’t forget to smile again, and then need to pay attention to the tone!

我想大声告诉你,对你的爱深不见底。I want to tell you loudly that you don’t see the bottom of your love.
