
听雨的声音,是那么的冰冷。The rain, is so cold.

闭上眼,我看到了你的无所谓。Close my eyes, I see you do not matter.

年龄不是差距,身高不是距离。Age is not a gap, height is not a distance.

一开始就错了,错的那样彻底。The beginning is wrong, wrong so thoroughly.

不管怎样,内心深处,始终是你。No matter what, in the heart, is always you.

物是人非,有些梦破碎的太完美。So, some dreams are broken too perfect.

有些爱只能止于唇齿,掩于岁月。Some love can only stop at the mouth and cover in years.

谁让你红了眼眶,你还念念不忘。Who let you red eyes, you still remember.

想把我唱给你听、趁现在年少轻狂。I want to sing it to you, while you are young.

不是因为我执着,而是因为你值得。Not because I am persistent, but because you deserve it.


总是说谁不懂谁,但谁又让谁懂谁。Always say who do not know who, but who knows who.

全世界都可以不理我,只有你不可以。All the world can ignore me, only you can not.

那些蜡笔画的线条,像是冻结的眼泪。The lines of the drawing, like frozen tears.

如果爱是场误会,谁让我能回到完美。If love is a misunderstanding, who let I can return to perfection.

亲爱的,我还在想你,想象你的笑容。Dear, I still miss you, imagine your smile.

老子不打你,你还真不知道我文武双全。Lao Tzu do not hit you, you don’t really know me but.

我闭上眼睛,看不见自己,却看见了你。I close my eyes, I can’t see myself, but I see you.

爱是一种遇见,不能等待,也不能准备。Love is a kind of chance encounter, can not wait, can not be prepared.

活着的原因很简单,因为那个天国没你。The reason for living is very simple, because the kingdom of heaven without you.

您复杂的五官,掩饰不了您朴素的智商。Your complex facial features, can not cover up your simple iq.
