明骚易躲,暗贱难防。Ming Sao is easy to hide, dark base to prevent.
光阴似面,日月如锅。Time is like a pot.
本人已死,有事烧纸。I am dead, something burning.
距离产生的不是美,是小三。Distance is not the United States, is small three.
拍死的是蚊子,流血的是老子!It’s a mosquito that’s dead. It’s the father!
傻B中的战斗机,贱人中的VIP。Silly B fighter, Bitch in VIP.
我们走得太快,灵魂都跟不上了。We go too fast, the soul can’t keep up.
真希望是2月29开学,四年开一次!I really hope that the 29 school in February, four years to open!
活鱼会逆流而上,死鱼则随波逐流。The fish will swim upstream, dead fish.
曾经的海枯石烂,抵不过好聚好散。Once the end of the world, is still good.
装要装的有内涵,骚要骚的有味道。Installed to have the connotation of the show to show the taste of the sho
文能看书挤地铁,武能挤地铁看书。Text can read the subway, Wu can squeeze the subway reading.
人是铁,饭是钢,骨头里面没有汤。Man is iron, rice is steel, there is no soup in the bones.
说好一起到白头,你却偷偷�h了油。Agreed to go to white, you secretly baked oil.
天涯何处无牛粪,何必单恋一坨屎。Where there is no cow dung, why love a shit.
有时候,你不知道自己的话有多伤人。Sometimes, you don’t know how much you hurt yourself.
自从得了神经病,整个人都精神多了。Since I got a mental illness, the whole people are more spiritual.
我恨秦始皇,他烧书,居然没有烧完。I hate Qin Shihuang, he burned the book, actually did not burn.
开心了就笑,不开心了就过会儿再笑。Happy to laugh, not happy to laugh at a later time.
烂人一定是贱人,贱人不一定是烂人。Bad people must be Bitch, Bitch is not necessarily bad people.