

我爱你――不止是说说而已。I love you, I love you more than just talk.

我爱你始于初见,止于终老。I love you from the beginning, check in.

空洞的眼眸,找不到焦距所在。Empty eyes, can not find the focal length.

孤独是一种情调,比浪漫更可靠。Loneliness is a kind of emotional appeal, more reliable than romantic.

不卑不亢,从容优雅,面对一切。Grace in the face of all, be neither humble nor pushy.

用生者不朽的爱,祭死者不朽的名。With the living immortal love, offering the immortal name.

不要伤我的心,因为里面住的是你。Don’t break my heart, for it is you that lives in.

在乎才会乱想,不在乎连想都不会想。Care will want, don’t care don’t even want to.

了解你的外表,你的心我要怎么去解说。Know your appearance, your heart, how I want to explain.

讨厌你的不在乎,讨厌你对我忽冷忽热。Hate you do not care, I hate you sometimes hot and sometimes cold.


用无所谓的态度,过好随遇而安的生话。With indifferent attitude, good happy go lucky life.

我们成全了爱情,但爱情为何总是这般。We have made love, but love is always so.

甲喜欢乙,乙喜欢丙,爱情本来就是这样。A like B, b like C, love is so.

我关注着你的所有,包括你喜欢的那个人。I’m concerned about you all, including the one you like.

躺在向日葵上,即使沮丧,也能朝着阳光。Lying on the sunflower, even depressed, can be in the sun.

人生里有太多时候,是形势毁了一段爱情。There are too many times in life, it is a situation that destroyed a love.

酒就像女人的肌肤一样,对温度非常敏感。Wine is like a woman’s skin, is very sensitive to temperature.

失眠,是?你在别人的梦里苦苦地忙碌着。Insomnia, is? You are struggling in the dream of others.

是否幸福轻得太沉重,过度使用不痒不痛。Whether happiness is too heavy, excessive use of no itching pain.

有爱又有什么用处,又不是这样就会不孤独What’s the use of love, not so will not be lonely
