

这一生,爱过亦痛过。This life, love and pain.

我们都变了,都长大了。We are all changed, all grown up.

一个人,只剩下独自相惜。A person, with only a pity alone.

只要是你,我有什么不愿意。As long as it is you, what I don’t want to.

枯叶残败、曾经一世的兴衰。The rise and fall of withered leaves wither away, once I.

我卑微地挽留,你高傲的走。I humbly to retain, you proud.

许一个未来,亦非这个结局。Make a future, also not the ending.

回忆的种种痛,你根本就不懂。Recall all the pain, you don’t understand.

强忍眼泪,不让青春溢满苦涩。Choked back tears, don’t let the youth full of bitter.

净化悲伤,让它随着空气上升。To purify the sorrow, let it as the air rises.


收到的礼物、是那份支离破碎。Received as a gift, is the broken.

如果你能回来,即使万劫不复。If you can come back, even beyond redemption.

最美的不是你,而是思思思思念。The best is not you, but thought, thought miss.

一起去看桃花吧,因为樱花谢了。Go to see the peach blossom, for cherry blossom thanks.

爱情是圆,既是开始,也是终点。Love is a circle, is start and end point.

天气转凉了,大家要记得添衣啊。The weather turns cool, you remember to add clothing.

分分合合,到最后还是以分手结束。On-and-off, to finally ended up with break up.

永远不要后退,退到最后无路可退。Never retreat, back in the end there is no way to retreat.

那梦境太过深刻,怎么也无法逃脱。The dream is too deep, how also can not escape.

我是你的草原,你可曾是我的蝴蝶。I am your grassland, have you ever is my butterfly.


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