
人因梦想而伟大。One great because of dreams.

梦的方向叫做闯。The direction of the dream called rush.

认定了就别放弃。That you don’t give up.

生命不轻言放弃。Life do not give up speaking out of turn.

不努力就没有未来。Don’t work hard, we have no future.

幸福要靠自己争取。Happiness depends on yourself.

是金子总要发光的。The gold will always shine.

笑也是一种生命力。Smile is also a kind of vitality.

年少轻狂胜者为王。Dazed and confused the winner is king.

相信上帝是公平的。Believe that god is fair.


靠谁都不如靠自己。Than to anyone on your own.

没试过就别说不行!Didn’t try just don’t say no!

奋起飞翔,路在脚下。Fly up, road in the foot.

天才失败了就是蠢才!Genius failed is fool!

有种脾气叫,不放弃。Have a temper, don’t give up.

花会凋谢、感情也会。Flowers fade, feelings will be, too.

争气永远比生气漂亮。Always more beautiful than angry.

要让每一天都有所值。To make each day.

胜利属于最坚忍的人。Victory belongs to the most persevering.

敢于尝试,敢于丢脸。Dare to try, dare to lose face.
