奋斗之心人皆有之。Struggle of the heart of people all have.
事常与人违,事总在人为。Things often contrary to people, things always in the.
少壮轻年月,迟暮惜光辉。The light years old but brilliant.
世上无难事,只要肯登攀。Nothing is difficult if you put your heart into it.
暗自伤心,不如立即行动。Secretly sad, not as immediate action.
将相本无主,男儿当自强。The main phase of the free, strength of men.
喝白开水的人,不一定很纯。Drink boiled water, not necessarily very pure.
远大的希望造就伟大的人物。Great hopes make great men.
创新有时起源于身边的小事情。Innovation sometimes originates from small things around you.
器大者声必闳,志高者意必远。For the big sound will Hong CHIGO who will far.
志之难也,不在胜人,在自胜。The difficult also, not to win people, in the self win.
只有想不到的事,没有做不到的事。Only think of things, there is no thing to do.
微笑比皱眉好看,请求比呵斥自然。More than a smile frown look good, than natural shouted requests.
自信是成功之母,自卑是失败之父。Self confidence is the mother of success, inferiority complex is the father of failure.
志在山顶的人,不会贪念山腰的风景。Aim at the top of the mountain, mountain scenery is not greed.
人类最大的灾难就是自已瞧不起自已。The greatest tragedy of mankind is to look down upon oneself.
看得见的伤口,迟早有一天会痊愈的。Visible wounds, sooner or later will be cured.
学会忘记痛苦,为阳光记忆腾出空间。Learn to forget the pain, to make room for the sun memory.
与其在等待中枯萎,不如在行动中绽放。Rather than waiting for it to wither, it is better to bloom in action.
在难过的时候,不要忘记自己还要前进。When you are sad, don’t forget to move on.