
我不是不会哭,只是习惯了不哭。I don’t cry, just get used to not cry.

天冷的时候,连洗澡都需要勇气。When the weather is cold, even a bath all need courage.

表情可以掩饰,但难受不会说谎。Expression can hide, but uncomfortable will not lie.

那些老套的情歌,述�f著那��年代。Those old songs, telling the time.

忠诚,亦不过是背叛的筹码太少而已。Loyalty, but also a betrayal of the chip is too small.

想当初的谁是谁非,如今早已物是人非。Like the original of which is right and which is wrong now already have changed.

感情总不会是平行,是一种散射和期待。Affection is not always parallel, it is a kind of scattering and expectation.

用漫不经心的态度,过随遇而安的生活。With a casual attitude, a happy go lucky life.

把你的脸迎向阳光,你就不会看到阴影。Turn your face to the sunshine, and you will not see the shado

爱你爱到无可救药,想你想到备受煎熬。I love you think you think of suffering past hope.

我只想做你的公主,拥有那平凡的幸福。I just want to be your princess, have the ordinary happiness.

看不到你,眼睛触及阳光甚至都会流泪。Can’t see you, eyes touched the sun and even tears.

白天嘻嘻哈哈的人,晚上都是哭着睡着的。The day Xixihaha people, night cry sleep.

我落泪,情绪零碎,�玫氖澜缫荒荒环追伞�I cry, mood, your world a swirling curtain.

对学习十窍我通了九窍,相当于一窍不通。I had to learn the ten orifices and nine orifices, equivalent to the utterly ignorant of.

期待,是所有心痛的根源心不动,则不痛。Look forward to, is the root cause of all the heart is not moving, it does not hurt.

对我好,给过我温暖的人,我都会记很久。Good to me, give me a warm person, I will remember for a long time.

分手过后还能做朋友,只是不再相互问候。After the break up can make friends, but no longer greet each other.

只是这颗心伤痕无数,无力去计较是是非非。Is this heart scar countless, unable to care about right and wrong.

我习惯了无所谓,却不是真的什么都不在乎。I used to do not matter, but not really do not care about anything.
