朋友,不是随便叫的,兄弟不是随便说的,所以我的兄弟很少。Friends, not just call, brother is not casually said, so my brother rarely.
宁愿有神一样的敌人,也不愿有狗一样的朋友。Would rather have the enemy of God, than have a dog like a friend.
流年易逝,时光容易把人抛,挂牵着的你有我千万种祝福伴你同行,一路走好。Time flies, time easy to throw people, with you I never miss a blessing accompany you all the way.
死党是那群即便知道你傻,还跟着你犯傻的人。The best friend is even know you silly, stupid people follow you.
友情是装在瓶里的佳酿,无色无味,多年后开启溢出的是那浓浓的情。Friendship is installed in the bottle of wine, colorless and tasteless, after years of open the overflow is the deep love.
借人之智,完善自己。学最好的别人,做最好的自己。By the wisdom of the people, to improve their own. Learn the best of others, do the best of yourself.
匹夫不可以不慎取友。友者,所以相有也。Man can’t accidentally take friends. Friends, so there is also.
用狡计去害友人的人,自己将陷于危险埋伏之中。With the attempt to harm their friends who will be in danger of ambush.
人世间的一切荣华富贵不及一个好朋友。All the people in the world glory, splendour, wealth and rank not worth a good friend.
谈到名声、荣誉、快乐、财富这些东西,如果同友情相比,它们都是尘土。When it comes to fame, honor, happiness and wealth, they are all dust and dust.
友情的纽带,或会因情绪激动而绷紧,但决不可折断。The bond of friendship, or will be emotional and tense, but never break.
希望有一天能参加你的婚礼,做你伴娘微笑嫁你出去。I hope one day to be able to attend your wedding, do you smile to marry you out.
是缘分将我们带到一起,是友情将我们紧紧地相连。Is the fate will bring us together, is the friendship will we closely linked.
如果你心里有别人了,讲清楚,我退出。If you have someone else in your heart, make it clear, I quit.
独学而无友,则孤陋而寡闻。Science alone without friends, is solitude and smell.
友情是最圣洁的灵物,她既会在同性中生根发芽,也会在异性中开花结果。Friendship is the most holy things, she will not only take root in the same sex, will bear fruit in the opposite sex.
贫贱之交不可忘,糟糠之妻不下堂。Pinjianzhijiao can’t forget, the wife is down the hall.
聊天对象向来是一冷一热,热情的永远都在找话题,冷的永远都在敷衍。Chat object has always been a hot cold, warm and always looking for the topic, always in the cold.
世上友谊本罕见,平等友情更难求。The world of this rare friendship, equality and friendship more difficult.
缺乏真正的朋友及是最纯粹最可怜的孤独;没有友谊则斯世不过是一片荒野。The lack of true friends and the most pure and the most miserable solitude; no friendship is the world but a wilderness.