
你的丑和你的脸没有关系。Your ugly face is not related to your face.

揍你个,性生活不能自理!Hit you, you can not take care of themselves!

你长的外形不准比例没打好。You’re not in a good shape.

你干嘛用屁股挡住脸啊!Why do you use the buttocks to block the face ah!

锻炼肌肉,防止挨揍!Exercise the muscles, prevent beaten!

非洲人搞上黑猪的後裔,阴阳失调的黑猩猩。African people engaged in the descendants of black pig, yin and yang imbalance of chimpanzee.

国际脸孔世界通用。International face world.

不想吃天鹅肉的癞蛤蟆,不是好癞蛤蟆!Not to eat swan meat toad, toad is not good!

拿你当人的时候,你尽量走人道好吗?To take you as a person, you try to walk humane?

外星人从哪里来?当然是从他妈的肚子里来的。Where did the aliens come from? Of course, from his mother’s belly.


起那么早干嘛?夜总会还没开门呢!Why do you do that early? The nightclub is not open yet!

被诺亚方舟压过的河马,新火山喷发口。The Noah’s ark, the new volcanic eruption.

我们拥有的只是立体图形的身材。What we have is a solid figure.

只能演电视剧里的一陀粪。Can only play one of the TV series of shit.

只要你敢死,我就敢埋。If you dare, I dare to bury.

不是我不小心,而是我故意的。It’s not that I’m not careful, it’s my intention.

幼稚园程度的高中生,先天蒙古症的青蛙头。High school students in kindergarten, congenital Mongolia disease frog head.

孩子把玩具当朋友,成人把朋友当玩具。Children put toys as friends, adults to friends as toys.

国家怎么就没拿你的脸皮研究防弹衣。What countries haven’t taken the armor on your skin.

面对美女,我们坐立不安。In the face of beauty, we are on tenterhooks.
