
有些事你不必问,有些人你不必等。There are some things you don’t have to ask, some people you don’t have to wait.

女人总不放弃,男人总不珍惜。Women do not give up, men do not cherish.

美丽故事的开始、悲剧就在倒计时。The beginning of the beautiful story, the tragedy is in the countdown.

我怀念的不是你,而是你给的致命的曾经。What I miss is not you, but you give the fatal once.

水至清则无鱼,人至贱则无敌。Water to clear, no fish, people are invincible.

让我牵着你的手,陪你一起走。Let me hold your hand and walk with you.

难过了不要告诉别人,因为别人不在乎。Sad not to tell others, because others do not care.

这是一个流行离开的世界,但是我们都不擅长告别。It is a fashion to leave the world, but we are not good at goodbye.

以陌生人开始,按陌生人结束。Beginning with a stranger, by the end of a stranger.

一个人并不孤单,想一个人才孤单。A person is not alone, like a talent alone.


站在城市的最高点,想要找回被你遗弃的心。Standing at the highest point of the city, you want to find the heart abandoned by you.

或许会有一样的名字,但却永远都无法重复一样的故事。Maybe there will be the same name, but will never repeat the same story.

我要给你一个拥抱,给你一双温热手掌。I want to give you a hug, give you a pair of warm hands.

爱本是泡沫怪我没有看破才如此难过。Love is the bubble blame me for not so sad to see.

现在才知道,连回忆都是如此的不堪,终究太多的伤。Now know, even the memories are so unbearable, after all, too much damage.

我是一把火,玩好温暖你,玩不好烧死你。I was a fire, play good warm you, play not good to burn you.

请珍惜来之不易的爱,不要等到失去了才后悔。Please cherish the hard won love, do not wait until the lost only regret.

我能给的风度是微笑着默默放开手-风度。I can give the grace is smiling quietly open hand – demeanor.

全世界只有这么一个你叫我怎么能不珍惜。The world is only so one you call me how can I do not cherish.

别跟姐说白头偕老,姐要永远黑发飘飘。Don’t say with elder sister elder sister always said of a couple, black hair fluttering.
