既然见不到,那么连回忆也不必要。Since you can not see, then even the memories are not necessary.
我一次次的释怀,却换来你一次次的欺骗。Let me again and again, but for the first time you cheat.
空洞的眼眸,找不到焦距所在。Empty eyes, can not find the focal length.
莫找借口失败,只找理由成功。Don’t find excuses for failure, only to find a reason to succeed.
情话很美,连外人都跟着流泪。Love is beautiful, even the outsiders with tears.
我不唱声嘶力竭的情歌,不表示没有心碎的时刻。I don’t sing the love song, does not mean heartbreak.
孤单是一个人的狂欢,狂欢是一群人的孤单。Loneliness is a person’s Carnival, carnival is a group of people alone.
如果,那一刻可以重来,我想我还会说出那句话。If, the moment can come again, I think I will say that sentence.
突然,发现自己的笑变的好假好假。All of a sudden, you find your smile is a fake.
我害怕,你不知道你对我有多重要。I’m afraid, you don’t know how important you are to me.
那些我们该规划的未来,到底在哪?The future of those we plan, in the end where?
一个人的世界里,我被迫学着成熟。A person in the world, I was forced to learn to mature.
好男人照顾你的生活,坏男人照顾你的感情。Good men take care of your life, bad men take care of your feelings.
成熟不是人的心变老,是泪在打转还能微笑。Maturity is not the heart of the old, is still around laughing tears.
再见,也许再也不见。Goodbye, maybe never see again.
殉花出于自傲而恶此生,残叶出于不甘而心存负。Take out of pride and the evil of sacrificing life, unwilling to be negative for dead.
婚姻是青春的结束,人生的开始。Marriage is the end of youth, the beginning of life.
虽然你不是我的竹马,但我也要是你的青梅。Although you are not my childhood, but I also if you ome.
你梦寐以求的。不一定是适合自己的。You dreamed of. Is not necessarily suitable for their own.
那一场盛世流年、我们守着寂寞伤得面目全非。That was a time when, we keep the lonely wounded badly.