
父爱如伞,为你遮风挡雨;父爱如雨,为你濯洗心灵;父爱如路,伴你走完人生。Father’s love is like an umbrella, sheltering you from the wind and rain; Father’s love is like rain, washing your soul; Father’s love is like a road, accompanying you through life.

周末最幸福的事,莫过于喝一碗母亲煲的汤,一家人聚在一起吃顿饭。The happiest thing on the weekend is to have a bowl of soup cooked by my mother and have a family dinner together.

尽管父母的爱如此伟大,可我觉得父母有时爱我有时却偏向别人。是我对这种爱琢磨不透。Despite the great love of my parents, I feel that sometimes my parents love me and sometimes they prefer others. It’s a love I can’t figure out.

我的外婆有着一头雪白的头发,因为年龄的关系,腰已经弯曲变形了,慈祥和蔼的面庞,有好多皱纹!My grandmother has snow-white hair, because of age, waist has been bent and deformed, kind face, there are many wrinkles!

深深的爱情,浓浓的亲情是家庭的粘合剂,他能使一个家庭有着强大的生命力凝聚力和影响力。Deep love, strong family bond is the glue of the family, he can make a family has a strong vitality cohesion and influence.

家,永远在我的记忆里,在我的意识里,在醒来梦去的眸子里,清晰如昨。Home, always in my memory, in my consciousness, in the eyes of waking up and dreaming, is as clear as yesterday.

看到你们一家人,幸幸福福的样子,我就想起从很久很久以前,我就已经是一个人了。Seeing your family, happy and blessed, I remember that I have been a person since a long time ago.

小小幸福很容易,知心爱人伴左右,双亲健康在身旁,知己良友挂心间,事业顺利无羁绊,幸福美满溢满屋!It’s easy to have a little happiness. My dear ones are around me. My parents are healthy. My friends and friends are concerned. My career is smooth and unfettered. My house is full of happiness.

这世界最简单也是最伟大的理想,是希望能一家人整整齐齐,健健康康,快快乐乐,幸幸福福的在一起就好了。The world’s simplest and greatest ideal is to hope that the family is neat, healthy, happy, happy together.

父母的爱是天地间最伟大的爱,自从我们呱呱坠地,来到这个世界,父母就开始爱着我们,直到永远。Parents’love is the greatest love in the world. Since we came to this world, parents have loved us forever.


母爱是明澈的山泉,洁净而碧澈。她纯而不梁、真而无邪、诚而无瑕,她能洗涤一切污浊。Mother’s love is a clear spring, clean and clear. She is pure but not liang, true and innocent, sincere and flawless, she can wash all the dirt.

世界上最幸福的事莫过于一家人在一起吃年夜饭,和和美美过大年!其实我很幸福。The happiest thing in the world is to have New Year’s Eve dinner with a family and celebrate the New Year with beauty. In fact, I am very happy.

外婆的头发是自然卷曲的,看上去中真美;慈祥的眼睛总是笑眯眯的,说起话来又清脆又好听。Grandma’s hair is naturally curly and looks beautiful; her kind eyes are always smiling and her speech is crisp and pleasant.

母爱是体贴、慰藉、宽容、理解、善良、慈祥的源泉。母爱之情,惊动天地,感泣鬼神。Maternal love is the source of consideration, comfort, tolerance, understanding, kindness and kindness. Mother’s love touches the world and touches the ghosts and gods.

家,就是经历世间艰难之后,让心灵停靠的港湾。Home is the harbor where the soul stops after the hardships of the world.

亲情是雨,带走烦燥,留下轻凉;亲情是风,吹走忧愁,留下愉快;亲情是太阳,带走黑暗,留下光明。Family love is rain, taking away boredom, leaving a cool; Family love is the wind, blowing away sorrow, leaving happiness; Family love is the sun, taking away darkness, leaving light.

要一个幸福的家,家里有个懂得疼爱的丈夫,一两个健康的孩子,彼此有可以预期的收入,一家人健健康康To have a happy family, there is a loving husband, one or two healthy children, each with a predictable income, and the whole family is healthy and healthy.

母爱是灿烂的阳光,炽热而光明。她能融化冰川、净化心灵、蓬勃生机。她以博大的襟怀哺育生命、呵护万物。Mother’s love is bright sunshine, hot and bright. She can melt glaciers, purify the soul and thrive. She nurtures life and cares for all things with a broad mind.

什么是幸福啊,亲爱的朋友,你爱的人,飞跃天涯,爱你的人,等你回家。What is happiness, my dear friend, the one you love, leaping across the world, the one who loves you, waiting for you to go home.

幸福就是一家人在一起过着平凡而轻松的日子,做自己喜欢做的事。Happiness is a family living an ordinary and relaxed life together, doing what they like to do.
