跟我玩你指定输,整不好还得哭。You assigned to play with me, the whole is not good to cry.
好喜欢你看不惯我又干不掉我的样子。Good love you could not understand me and do not drop me.
是敌是友,别是狗。Enemy is a friend, don’t be a dog.
看着你走在我的身后会有种安全感。Watching you walk behind me there will be a sense of security.
状态是干出来的,而不是等出来的。The state is dry, not waiting.
你们家里没厕所吗,你来这里乱喷?You don’t have a toilet at home, do you come here?
天下乌鸦一般黑,天下基佬一大堆。The crow is black, the world a lot of gay.
关于明天的事,我们后天就知道了。About tomorrow, we will know the day after tomorrow.
你永远是我的唯一,其他的我谁都不要。You will always be my only, the other I do not.
我突然发现我同桌的同桌你好漂亮。I suddenly found my sit at the same table, you are beautiful.
谁三言两语撩拨了情意。Who spun it in two words or three.
不再沉寂的活着,我要重启我的骄傲。No longer silent alive, I want to restart my pride.
人生就像一盘棋,一步错步步错。Life is like a game of chess, one step wrong step by step wrong.
记住,劳资活着不是为了取悦任何人。Remember that labor and capital are not living to please anyone.
笑是最真实的伪装泪是最自由的释放。Laughter is the most true camouflage tears are the most free release.
坠入情网的女人老爱自作多情。The old woman fall in love love love.
原谅我在你想我的时候不能陪在你身边。Forgive me I can’t be with you when you think of me.
别说我冷,暖的时候你没珍惜而已。Don’t say I’m cold, warm when you didn’t cherish it.
只要你过得比我好,死的一定早。As long as you live better than me, die early.
咱掏心掏肺地说吧,你能撑起一青楼。I Taoxintaofei to say, you can prop up a brothel.