
灿烂之日,人众如云。Sunny day, people all like a cloud.繁华过后,陌不相识。After the busy, devoted to strangers.

有一种微笑,叫掩人耳目。There is a smile, called stealth.有一种坚持,叫装模作样。There is a insist, called affectation.

我多希望有一个疯子,疯了的爱着我。How I hope to have a crazy, crazy in love with me.我多希望有一个傻子,傻傻的爱着我。How I wish there is a fool, silly in love with me.

女人哭了是因为他真的放弃了。The woman cried because he really gave up.男人哭了是因为他真的爱过了。The man cried because he really loved.

少年你的笑容太绚烂,比天边的太阳更惹人眼球。Young too gorgeous smile, the sun is more conspicuous than the sky.少女你的眼睛太深邃,比天幕的繁星更闪烁耀眼。Girl in your eyes is too deep, more than the awning stars flashing dazzling.

我不喜欢主动找你,因为我怕那是我自作多情。I don’t like to take the initiative to find you, because I’m afraid that’s my trip.我喜欢你主动找我,这样我才知道你不厌烦我。I like you take the initiative to find me, so I didn’t know you are not boring me.

我和别的男生约着会然后对你说我爱你。I have an appointment with the other boys would then say to you I love you.你抱着别的女生恩爱然后对我说你爱我。Are you holding the other girls love then said to me that you love me.

我想的不是你,是曾经掏心掏肺的自己。I want not you, is once rink hijinks tao lung themselves.我恨的不是你,是曾经痛伤过你的自己。I hate not you, it is used to ache you own.

他是我心脏深处的恋人。He is my heart in the depth of the lovers.她是我灵魂深处的爱人。She is my soul lover.

__我有一个视我如命的少年。__ I have a treat me like life of adolescents.__我有一个爱我似命的姑娘。__ I have a girl love me like life.


就算我男朋友,不高不帅不优秀,怎么了。我喜欢就好。Even if my boyfriend, not tall not handsome not good, what’s wrong. I like it.就算我女朋友,不美不萌不温柔,怎么了。我爱她就好。Even if my girlfriend, not beauty of tenderness, what’s wrong. I love her.

相公,可否把我纳入你的小世界。”Xianggong”, will you please put me into your little world.娘子,其实我的小世界里全是你。Lady, in fact, my little world is full of you.

情深似海诋毁不过时光蹉跎。Oceans vilified but waste time.百里情深不及他人笑言诋毁。Thyme deep than others jokes.

天长地久,根本没有。Everlasting, not at all.海枯石烂,纯属扯蛋。The seas run dry and the rocks crumble, is pulled eggs.

何时江南在凝愁、徘徊在宁夏。When jiangnan in condensate sorrow, wandering in ningxia.待到樱花烂漫时、染指沾红颜。Until, when cherry blossom brilliant touch with beauty.

念念念你情不忘。Read read your mood does not forget.想想想你情不亡。Think you love die.

不会让你抚摸姐那独特的骚美。Won’t let you touch elder sister that unique SAO beauty.不会让你触碰哥那健壮的身段。Brother will not let you touch the robust figure.

我的心不大不小,但它单单只能容下你。My heart is not small, but it can only let you alone.我的手不大不小,但它单单只能牵住你。My hand is modest, but it just can only hold you.

男朋友就要结婚了,他说让我去给他当新娘。Boyfriend are going to get married, he said let me to give him the bride.女朋友就要嫁人了,她说让我去给她当新郎。Girlfriend is about to get married, she said let me go to her when the bridegroom.

你是我永远的王子。You are my prince forever.你是我永远的公主。You are my princess forever.
