我在等我的少年I’m waiting for my boy.
只要你说你爱我As long as you say you love me
他永远不会喜欢我He will never like me.
我像一个路人看着你I looked at you like a passer-by
入不了你心我能怪谁I can’t blame you for who you are.
所有深爱都是秘密。All the love is secret.
我好想你 却不露痕迹I miss you but don’t show trace
无眠至晓,思君入梦。No sleep till dawn, think of you fall asleep.
其实我想关心又怕多余In fact, I want to care about the fear of excess
我的秘密就是你的名字My secret is your name
我喜欢了不喜欢我的人I like people who don’t like me
我在你的世界下落不明I’m missing in your world
我可爱到认为你可以爱I love to think you can love
我爱你 是你不知道的事I love you is what you don’t know
你好爱她 看得我好羡慕You love her, I envy
被你楼在怀里 是我的梦Being in your arms is my dream
我喜欢你,你却不知道。I like you, but you don’t kno
你是太阳,让我不敢触碰You are the sun, I dare not touch
多希望你是我醒不来的梦I wish you were my dream
真羡慕她,能被你所爱!I really envy her, can be loved by you!