我就是那种什么事都往坏处想的人,提前失望总好过突然失望。I was the kind of thing that people want to harm, ahead of disappointment is better than a sudden disappointment.
我想要的爱情不是一辈子不吵架,而是吵架了还能一辈子。I want to love is not a lifetime not quarrel, but the fight can be a lifetime.
痛不是电脑,不是按下一键还原就可以还我一颗完好无损的心脏。Pain is not a computer, not to press a key to restore my heart can also be intact.
太多人用如果来做比喻,可回不去的毕竟是事实。Too many people used to do metaphor, can not go back after all, is a fact.
你会流泪,并不代表你慈悲;我会微笑,也并不代表我一切都好。You will shed tears, does not mean you mercy; I will smile, does not mean that I am all good.
信仰的力量足以把一个国家凝聚起来。The power of faith is enough to unite a nation.
距离和独立是对人格的尊重,最亲近的人之间也应该保持。Distance and independence are respect for the personality, and the closest person should also be maintained.
失败时可以称为人生财富,成功时可以称为财富人生。Failure can be called the wealth of life, success can be called wealth life.
如果你借太多的钱给一个人,你会令此人变成坏人。If you lend too much money to a person, you will make this person bad.
或许我只需要一个人在过马路时拉着我,那个人是不是你真的不重要。Maybe I just need someone to pull me across the street.
想有个简单的地方,可以容纳我的心情。Want to have a simple place, can accommodate my mood.
什么是幸福?幸福就是筷头上的肉丝。What is happiness? Happiness is the head of the shredded meat.
选择太多,所以困顿。Too many choices, so weary.
再烦也别忘微笑,再急也要注意语调!Do not forget to laugh again, and then also pay attention to the tone of urgency!
没有过不去的事情,只有过不去的心情。There is nothing that can’t be done, only a feeling of not being able to live.
君子的力量永远是行动的力量,而不是语言的力量。The power of a gentleman is always the power of action, not the power of language.
老虎再温顺,也改变不了吃人的本能!Tigers are tame, but also can not change the instinct to eat!
最后其实我们都懂,只是再没有勇气牵起彼此的手。In fact, we all understand, but never have the courage to hold each other’s hands.
君子之骄,骄傲的是一种风骨。The arrogant, proud of is a kind of character.
历经风云,才能看透人心真假;患难与共,才能领悟感情冷暖。After the storm, to see people can understand the feelings of true and false; go through thick and thin together, warm and cold.