
只有自己佩服自己,才能让别人信服你。Only their own admiration, in order to convince others that you.

人生就像骑单车想要保持平衡就得往前走。Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving.

人生最大的痛苦就是心灵没有归属。The greatest pain in life is not to belong to the soul.

勇敢,不一定有结果,但不勇敢,一定没有结果。Brave, not necessarily have the results, but not brave, no results.

绝情起来我可以比任何人更绝情。I can be more unfeeling unfeeling than anyone.

所有爱情最初都是最美的,只是结局都被人改了。All love is the most beautiful at first, but the outcome has been changed.

失去了也没关系,对自己我只想问心无愧。Lost also never mind, I just want to have a clear conscience of their own.

当你可以永生不死,你该为什么而活。When you can live forever, why do you live.

人总要在失败路上走向成功,你何必轻易的说放弃。People always want to succeed on the road to failure, why do you easily say give up.

逝水流年的青春之痛,抵死纠缠的回忆之殇。Passing fleeting youth pain, that tangled memories of the war.


你的执着我的倔强,变成了我们彼此的折磨。Your clinging to my stubborn, into our torture each other.

别哭;哭显得可怜,可是可怜之人必有可恨之处。Don’t cry; cry is poor, but the poor people must be hateful.

意犹美,阳光即使是冬天还是那么暖呵呵。Italy is still beautiful, even if the sun is still so warm winter.

分开也不一定分手,相守也不一定拥有。This also does not necessarily break up, also do not have.

幸福看似近在咫尺,可�s看����不��把握。Happiness seems close at hand, but you will not see.

将所有的执恋送给你期待着某一天把我的爱还给我。I will give you all my love and hope to give my love back someday.

不喜欢别人让我做我不喜欢做的事。Don’t like others to let me do what I don’t like to do.

再卟想多说些什么,一切的一切自己回忆就可。Then do not want to say what, all their memories can be.

擦干当年所有的泪,所有的痛,遗忘悲伤,重新来过。Wipe away all the tears of the year, all the pain, forget the sadness, come again.

只因为我喜欢你,所以可以为你做所有的事情。Just because I like you, so I can do everything for you.
