
得过且过,爱过恨过,也就无憾了。Muddle along, love hate, have no regrets.

你从未揣摩我的心思,却责怪我善变难懂。You never try to figure out my mind, but I blame fickle and difficult.

他只不过把你当成一场游戏,你却用生命陪他玩。He only regards you as a game, but you play with him.

我爸我妈不让我做不三不四的人,所以我选择了二。My dad my mom wouldn’t let me get a dubious person, so I chose two.

明知没有结果,却又舍不得离开。Knowing no results, but could not bear to leave.

多少人曾用壹�w赤�之心�j�B壹只�情假意的畜生。How many people use a sincere heart feeding a false display of affection.

原谅我鼓起勇气,还是从你的世界路过。Forgive me for my courage, or from your world.

我不敢说和谁关系很好,我怕是我一个人自作多情。I dare not say who is a very good relationship, I am afraid I love a person.

旁人能看见你的疤,但终究感觉不到你的痛。Others can see your scars, but ultimately feel your pain.

有些关系断的悄无声息却让人措手不及。Some relationship off quietly but let person be taken by surprise.


你若不是可有可无,他又怎么会忽冷忽热。If you are not not essential, how would he sometimes hot and sometimes cold.

最怕拼了命的珍惜,到最后,却还是什么都留不住。The most afraid of the life of the treasure, to the end, but still nothing to stay.

直到最后,所有温暖都被叫做过去。Until the end, all the warmth is called the past.

你终究会删了当初拼了命都想留下的东西。After all, you will delete the original life wants to leave.

谢谢你在我无助时开导我,哭泣时给我安慰。Thank you enlighten me in my helplessness, cry to comfort me.

当我对你越来越礼貌时,我们或许就越来越陌生了。When I become more and more polite to you, we may become more and more strange.

预见你,欲见你,遇见你,然后,我们就此别离。To see you, to see you, to meet you, and then, to this end.

女孩永远不会忘记她第一个那么拿命去爱的男孩。A girl will never forget the first boy she took to love.

世界上最可笑的是,我知道了真相,你还在那说谎。The most ridiculous thing in the world is that I know the truth, you are still lying.

寂寞有一千种滋味,却只能有一种体会。There are one thousand kinds of loneliness, but only one kind of experience.
