半斤不当酒,一斤扶墙走,斤半墙走我不走。Half a catty of wine is not appropriate, one catty walks against the wall, and half a catty walks without me.
输了咱不喝,赢了咱倒赖,吃不完了兜回来。If we lose, we don’t drink, if we win, we’ll be reluctant to eat and come back.
酒逢知己千杯少,话不投机大口喝。Wine is seldom drunk by a confidant, but not by speculation.
我讨厌喝酒,但却喜欢那个能让我喝酒的人。I hate drinking, but I like the person who can make me drink.
小快活,顺墙摸;大快活,顺地拖。Small pleasure, touch along the wall; big pleasure, drag along the ground.
心碎喝酒,喝酒伤肺,到头来没心又没肺。Heart-broken drinking injures the lungs and ends up heartless and heartless.
当酒入喉时,有一种破裂的声音,仿佛绝望的歌唱。When the wine entered the throat, there was a cracking sound, like a desperate singing.
我只有孤独和酒:他不跟我走我不怪他。I only have loneliness and wine: I don’t blame him for not following me.
双脚一站,喝酒不算,屁股一台喝酒从来。Stand on both feet, drink is not counted, buttocks a drink never.
为艺术而艺术,不会比为喝酒而喝酒更有意义。Art for art is no more meaningful than drinking.
酒不过一杯接一杯,心不过醉了又再醉。Wine is only one cup after another, but the heart is drunk and drunk again.
她喝酒爱哭,总说没你才算输。She likes to cry when she drinks. She always says that she can’t lose without you.
喝最烈的酒,抽最辣的烟,爱最爱的人。Drink the strongest wine, smoke the hottest cigarettes, love the people you love most.
醉人不过花共酒,花是美人酒是愁。Drunken people only spend wine, flowers are beautiful wine is sad.
喝醉了酒,我谁都不服,就扶墙。When I get drunk, nobody agrees with me, so I support the wall.
今朝有酒今朝醉,明日愁来明日愁。There is wine today, drunkenness today, sorrow tomorrow, sorrow tomorro
不喝酒,不抽烟,三年省下无数钱。Don’t drink, don’t smoke, save countless money in three years.
天蓝蓝,海蓝蓝,一杯一杯往下传。Sky blue, sea blue, one cup down.
喝酒就是喝酒,我很单纯,你们别让我想多了。Drinking is drinking, I am very simple, you don’t let me think too much.
男人喝酒辨朋友,女人喝酒识流氓。Men drink to distinguish friends, women drink to know hooligans.