
虽然你不在我身边,但我们仍在故事里。Though you’re not by my side, but we’re still in the story.即使我不在你身边,你也仍是我的主角。Even if I am not in your side, you are still my hero. 我不温柔,不漂亮,却有你不离不弃的爱着。I am not gentle, not beautiful, but you never abandon love.我不帅气,不体贴,却有你终生不渝的跟着。I am not handsome, considerate, are you a lifelong follo

我爱一个人,先森,真心话,我爱你。I love a person, the first Sen, really, I love you.我爱一个人,小姐,大冒险,我陪你。I love a person, miss, big adventure, I accompany you.

如果你喜欢她,我放你跟她走,后会无期。If you love her, I let you go with her, never ever meet again.如果你喜欢我,我便跟着你走,不离不弃。If you love me, I will follow you, never abandon.

我会一直在,纵使一切苍白。I will always be there, even if everything is pale.我会一直在,纵使寂寞成海。I will always be, even lonely into the sea.

唯求与他共搭未来的列车,抵达幸福的彼岸。Only with him to take the future of the train, arrived at the other side of the well-being.但愿与你共乘永远的航班,飞抵唯美的天堂。I hope with you forever take flight, flew to the beautiful paradise.

最后只剩下星空,像不变回忆,陪着我。In the end only the stars, like the same memories, with me.至少回忆会永久,像不变星空,陪着我。At least the memories will be forever, like the same sky, with me.

我望眼欲穿,看我看不到的你。I see, I can’t see you.我侧耳倾听,听我听不到的你。I listen to you, I can’t hear you.

赌气不过是为了找个借口引起你的在乎。Angry but in order to find an excuse to cause you care about.生气不过是为了找个借口引起你的注意。Angry is just to find an excuse to attract your attention.

我们相知相惜,习惯你依赖我。Our friend, you rely on my habits.我们相依相偎,习惯依赖了你。We Xiangyixiangwei, used to rely on you.

我仰天长笑,只希望你能看见。I laugh, only hope you can see.我大声呐喊,只希望你能听见。I scream, I just want you to hear.


谢谢你给的温柔,在我最需要你的时候。Thank you for giving me the gentle, when I need you most.谢谢你给的温柔,在我特别想你的时候。Thank you for giving me the gentleness, when I think of you.

男人,你要不爱我我我我我就缠着你。Man, you don’t love me, I am I, I am bound to you.女人,你要不跟我我我我我就吃了你。Woman, you will not follow me, I will eat you.

誓言,只是一时失言。Oath, just a slip of the tongue.永恒,只是一个谎言。Forever, just a lie.

因为有了�m我才会那么那么那么的牵挂。With you I will be so so so worrying.因为有了你我才会那么那么那么的疯狂。Because of you and I will be so so crazy.

曾经抬头四十五度,是为了仰望你的眼眸。Once the rise of forty-five degrees, in order to look at your eyes.现在抬头四十五度,是为了不让泪水流下。Now look up to forty-five degrees, in order not to let the tears flow down.

你这个糊涂蛋,没有我你该怎么办。You are so confused, what do you do without me.我这个糊涂蛋,没有你我该怎么办。I am so confused, what do I do without you.

听说树木最坚硬的地方是结痂的伤疤。I heard the hardest place trees is scab scar.听说禽兽最软弱的地方是爱人的心脏。Heard that the weakest place is the heart of the animal lover.

迩是我的心疼,总能给我最多感动。You are my love, always give me the most moving.迩是我的心碎,总能给我最多安慰。You are my heart, always give me the most comfort.

难得要相依,任轮回不忘许生死不弃。Rare to depend on each other, let the cycle of life and death do not forget.白首不相离,执手同游如梦幻完美景。Without any deviation, such as fantasy scene with perfect handle.

没有一句话能够描写得出我对你那么依赖。No words can describe me so dependent on you.没有一个词能够形容得了我对你那么爱恋。No word can describe my love for you.
