
爷的爱你永远不会懂。I love you will never understand.

泡妞就像钓鱼,要全面撒网,重点培养。Girls like fishing, should be comprehensive, focus on training.

若我的离开可以换来你的笑容,那你还是哭吧。If I leave can change your smile, then you still cry.

快乐自己给,活给自己看。Happy to give, to live to see.

用一只黑色铅笔画一出舞台默剧。Draw a mime stage with a black pencil.

潇洒乃我本性,帅是命中注定。Natural and unrestrained is my nature, handsome is destined to.

这个社会没有对与错,只有强与弱。There is no right and wrong in this society, only the strong and the weak.

若要梦想实现,先从梦中醒来。If you want to realize the dream, to wake up from the dream.

我最不喜欢等,因为这个期限永远都是个未知数。I don’t like to wait, because the deadline is always unknown.

连我最信任的人都在变化给我看。Even my most trusted people are changing to me.

心的沉淀,灵魂的升华。The precipitation of the heart, the sublimation of the soul.

不要用迩的贞操来诱惑�幔�迩会后悔的。Don’t use your virginity to lure me, you will regret it.

永远接受不了在乎的人就这样无声无息的离开。Always can not accept people who care so soundless and stirless leave.

女子无才便是德,我一定是太缺德了。Germany is the only woman, I must be too wicked.

我这人不懂音乐,所以时而不靠谱,时而不着调。I this person does not know the music, therefore sometimes does not depend on the spectrum, sometimes does not adjust.

您复杂的五官,掩饰不了您朴素的智商。Your complex facial features, can not cover up your simple iq.

当你有勇气把长发剪成短发你就有勇气放弃过去。When you have the courage to long hair cut short hair you have the courage to give up the past.

以后的路还长、指不定谁辉煌。The future of the road is still long, who can not be brilliant.

我只是一个疯子,总有那么几天发病期,请别介意。I’m just a madman, there are always a few days in the period of onset, please do not mind.

有时候,转身离开要好过假装若无其事的坚持。Sometimes, walking away is better than to insist on.
