
这世界好大,孤单好满,悲伤逆流成河。The world is big, lonely and full of sorro

除了两情相悦,其余的喜欢都是心酸。Except for love and affection, the rest are sad.

将来还有很长的路要走,你要习惯离别。In the future, there is still a long way to go. You have to get used to parting.

美的温存在指间缠绕,心脏还在加速跳跃。The warmth of the United States exists between fingers, and the heart is still accelerating.

我们都很倔,一个不会挽留一个不会回头。We are very stubborn, one will not retain one will not turn back.

回忆是一座桥,却是通往寂寞的牢。Memory is a bridge, but a prison leading to loneliness.

有没有那么一瞬间,你心疼过我的执着。Is there such a moment that you feel bad about my persistence?

就让我盲了吧,看不穿你的虚情假意。Let me be blind. I can’t see your hypocrisy.

清泪两行伊人醉,花语自香无人配。There are two lines of tears.

我以为少了我,你会慌。I think you will panic if you lose me.

最卑微的不过爱情,最凉薄的不过人心。The most humble is love, the coolest but the heart.

后来,我们连叫对方的名字都哽咽了。Later, we even sobbed each other’s name.

笑容可以瞒过别人,可心痛却骗不了自己。Smiles can hide others, but heartache can not deceive themselves.

以后,你会牵着谁的手,哼着怎样的歌。Later, you will be holding your hand, singing what kind of song.

青春的浓雾散尽以后,裸露出时间的荒原。After the thick fog of youth is dispersed, the barren land of time is exposed.

爱的路上谁不受伤,越多渴望就越多沧桑。No more hurt on the way of love, the more the desire for more vicissitudes.

你以为我有多坚强,又不比别人多颗心脏。How strong do you think I am, and no more heart than others.

你可以爱我少一点,但请爱我久一点。You can love me less, but please love me a little longer.

痴了情的心总在回忆,一个人的夜很漫长。A fond heart always recalls that a person’s night is long.

谁人曾照顾过我的感受,吻过我的伤口。Who has taken care of my feelings and kissed my wounds.
