
当爱情已褪色,始终无法恢复原来的色彩!When love has faded, the original color can never be restored!

不得簪花满头雪,唯愿平生布衣情。No hairpin blossom with snow, only life clothes.

没有人永远十七岁,但永远有人十七岁。No one is always seventeen years old, but there are always seventeen years old.

一个女人的优雅在于,即使沉默也有笑意嫣然。The grace of a woman is that she has a smile even when she is silent.

无论受了多少委屈,只能自己憋在心里。No matter how many grievances you suffer, you can only hold it in your heart.

不是我不爱你了,只是因为我发现你不需要我了。It’s not that I don’t love you anymore, just because I find you don’t need me anymore.

那些曾经的记忆,不愿意提及,只是想让它轻轻地抛在昨天。Those memories, unwilling to mention, just want to let it slightly thrown in yesterday.

一个人的世界里,有太多无奈和牵挂,承受着爱飘落的雪花。In a person’s world, there are too many helplessness and concern, bearing the snow falling from love.

爱情很奇怪、什么都介意、最后什么都可以原谅。Love is strange, everything cares, and finally everything can be forgiven.

如果有人问起,就说忘了。不解释,不悲伤。If someone asks, say forget. No explanation, no sadness.

那个男孩,教会我成长,那个女孩,教会我爱。That boy, teach me to grow up, that girl, teach me to love.

被误会没关系,我有做坏人的勇气。It’s okay to be misunderstood. I have the courage to be a bad person.

当你做对了,没人记得住。当你做错了,没人忘得了。When you do it right, nobody remembers. When you make a mistake, nobody can forget it.

用理想去成就人生,不要蹉跎了岁月。Use your ideal to achieve life, don’t waste time.

既然做什么都是徒劳、还不如做梦。Since it’s futile to do anything, it’s better to dream.

独立的好处便是爱情消失的时候,你也能以潇洒的心情消失。The advantage of independence is that when love disappears, you can also disappear in a chic mood.

该孤单时候孤单,该寂寞时候寂寞。The lonely time is lonely, the lonely time is lonely.

总吵着要恋爱,真的有人来要和你恋爱时,又犹豫了。Always clamoring for love, when someone really wants to fall in love with you, they hesitate again.

没有礁石,就没有美丽的浪花;没有挫折,就没有壮丽的人生。Without reefs, there would be no beautiful spray; without setbacks, there would be no magnificent life.

你的伤口太多,我欠你太多,对不起,从前是我忽略了你。You have too many wounds, I owe you too much. Sorry, I neglected you in the past.
